Re-Mission Art Exhibit Opening Reception
There will be a wine and cheese opening reception for Mathieu Francoeur’s exhibit Re-Mission in the Gallerie ARTcadienne at Carrefour Beausoleil on Saturday, October 24th at 7 pm.
About Re-Mission
Last year, Mathieu Francoeur’s first exhibition was strongly inspired by his fight against testicular cancer. Today, Mathieu is back with a new series of bright works entitled Re-Mission to celebrate his victory against the disease. The young artist uses images of rooted trees, bold scars and golden seeds of hope to share his journey of recovering from cancer. The rough textured artworks are made with caulk, shale stones and recovered materials, such as recycled shelves from the Moncton Oncology Centre. Mathieu gives a new mission to the fallen objects. This artistic approach is evidence of the organic ability of art to revive.
The artist now lives entirely from love and his art … and he hopes to live to be old. Please join Mathieu in the gallery at Carrefour Beausoleil Saturday evening to celebrate his first year of remission with him. Everyone is welcome!
About Mathieu Francoeur
Suddenly diagnosed with testicular cancer in April 2014, Mathieu Francoeur turned to painting to finance his treatments and exorcise the daily trauma of chemotherapy. Now in remission, Mathieu decided to become a professional artist full-time as a therapeutic means of earning a living. The artist received are Bachelor of Visual Arts (Teaching Orientation) from the Université de Moncton in 2010 and is a member of the Acadian Professional Artists Association (AAPNB) since April 2015.
For more information about Mathieu Francoeur visit his website at

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