Poppy Campaign Launch
The Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Campaign Chairpersons Comrades Marianne Morby-Harris (Br#3) and Joe Pineau (Br#10) presented His Worship Gerry Cormier, City of Miramichi Mayor, with the Symbolic First Poppy at City Hall on Friday October 23rd.
This event sets the stage for the Poppy Campaign to get under way officially on Friday, October 30th. The Legion’s Poppy Campaign always kicks off the last Friday of October each year and runs through to November 11th. You will see both Branches canvassing for donations and distributing poppies in their respective areas during this time.
The Poppy Campaign is the foundation of our Remembrance Program. We provide Canadians with the opportunity to Remember by providing them with a Poppy and to participate at Remembrance Day services. It is through the Poppy Campaign and the generosity of our fellow citizens that, in addition to providing assistance to Veterans and their families, we foster the Tradition of Remembrance amongst our youth, the leaders of tomorrow. Consider the importance of the Poppy Campaign to our nation. The Legion and its members are the Guardians of Remembrance, and the lines from John McCrae’s poem — “… if ye break faith with us who die we shall not sleep, though poppies grow in Flanders Fields.” — are as true today as when they were first written.
The Legion is not a closed organization, membership is open to virtually all Canadian citizens through one of our four levels of membership. Legion members care deeply about supporting the men and women who serve this country and want to make a difference in the lives of Veterans and their families, contribute to our communities, and Remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our Country.
For a look at us inside and out go to www.legion.ca or visit your local branch.
Join The Legion, Wear a Poppy!

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