Miramichi Legion Branch #10 Recent Chase the Ace Winner
The most recent winner in the Miramichi Legion’s Chase the Ace fundraiser is Jantzen Lynch. He won $281.25!
Royal Canadian Legion Branch #10 in Newcastle has been running a Chase the Ace fundraiser since the fall of 2013. Anyone can play, as long as you are 19 years of age or older, of course.
Funds will be used to support the Branch’s ongoing efforts to provide services for Military and RCMP Veterans and other charitable causes in the community.
The Legion’s services to veterans and the community has been reduced in recent years. Like many other service clubs they are experiencing falling membership, lack of volunteers and shrinking attendance at their activities.
Support our efforts, play ‘Chase the Ace’! You, the Veterans and the Community will be the winners.
To see how it’s played visit the Branch at 385 Pleasant Street, 1st floor (Hanover Street). New members are always welcome. See you at the Legion!
Contact Branch #10 at 622-1809 or visit us their website at www.miramichilegion.ca

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