Kidplayhouse Productions Announce Fall 2015 Performance Arts Classes
Following on the heels of a busy and successful summer, Kidplayhouse Productions Inc. (KPH), Miramichi’s own non-profit theatre arts organization is happy to announce its creative arts classes and program offerings for the fall season of 2015.
“KPH is committed to provide innovative performing arts programs for children and adults in the Miramichi region, and there is something for everyone in this season’s offerings,” said Glenn Copeland, director of KPH. The brainchild of professional performance artists/ educators Glenn and his wife Elizabeth Copeland, KPH has been the vehicle for a wide variety of creative arts programs, artist-in-residencies at local schools, and staging amateur theatre productions for all ages here in Miramichi for over four years.
Performance classes and creative exploration classes offer something for young folk from age six to 12 and include a mix of improv (improvisation), theatre games, drumming, puppets, and visual art with the focus on the fun. The Music Zone, for children aged 8-12, will delight with its emphasis on exploring all the creative ways to make music together while having fun. Singing, drumming, keyboard fundamentals for all ages make up the private classes roster, scheduled at times convenient to students and teachers.
A highlight for Kidplayhouse veterans will be a new collaborative theatre project for kids and adults based on the classic Hans Christian Anderson tale – The Snow Queen, which will end with a live performance in December. This is the second such KPH production this year, following the highly successful Copeland original The Raven of Éirean Mhór which was staged during the Miramichi Irish Festival in July. Collaborative theatre is an artistic process whereby professional artists and community members actively work together as creative partners.
“In the case of The Raven, the actors auditioned without a script, and after some exploratory exercises, their parts were written to compliment the strengths and talents of individual cast members.” Elizabeth Copeland, artistic director for KPH explained. A long-term goal is to build a professional acting troupe highlighting this unique approach to community-based theatre. Registration for The Snow Queen is open to previous KPH students only, due to the demands of the unique creative process and considerable time commitment required.
The ultimate goal for Kidplayhouse Productions is to provide universal access to all programs so that financial limitations do not exclude anybody. To this end, KPH has implemented a Sponsor-A-Child program whereby individuals and businesses can sponsor a child’s registration for a specific program or class. Individuals and businesses who wish to subsidize a child’s registration, as well as those who feel they need financial assistance for a child or youth to participate can contact KPH. “We are endeavouring to make our programs available to all children regardless of their family’s financial circumstances,” said Glenn. “Tell us and we will try our best to find the resources to provide that opportunity.”
Online registration for Fall Classes is open now. In-person registration will be held on Saturday, September 5th from 12 noon to 2 pm. Both registration and classes will take place at their new classrooms located in the Northumberland Woodlot Owners Association Building, 271 McMurdo Street in the Newcastle Industrial Park, unless otherwise stated. There will be no classes Thanksgiving weekend. For full information, see, or email the .
THE SNOW QUEEN: A Collaborative Theatre Project with Elizabeth *Registration for this class is only open to previous students who have worked with KPH either in classes or with KPH in the schools. Saturdays beginning Sept 12 for 12 weeks from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Cost: $320. + $41.60 HST
THE MUSIC ZONE: Singing, drumming, keyboard and more, exploring all the creative ways to make music together while having fun. For kids ages 8 to 12. Wednesdays from 6 to 7:30 pm beginning Wednesday, Sept 16 for 12 weeks. Cost: $200.00 + $26.00 HST
SERIOUSLY SILLY with Glenn: Creative play for kids ages 8 – 12 includes Improv, theatre games, drumming, puppets, visual art and just plain silly fun. Saturdays, beginning Sept 12 from 11:15 am to 1:15 pm for 12 weeks. Cost: $265. + $34.45 HST
PUPPETS AND MORE: Creative play for kids ages 6 – 8. Puppets, visual art, costumes, story-time, fun. Saturdays beginning September 12th from 9 am to 11 am for 12 weeks. Cost: $265. + $34.45 HST
All classes are half hour in length. The number of private students is limited.
INTRO TO KEYBOARD with Glenn: basic theory to create a foundation for future study in a warm and supportive atmosphere. For adults, youth and children. Time and place to be announced shortly.
HAND DRUMMING with Glenn: for adults, youth and children, time and place to be announced shortly.
SINGING with Elizabeth: For adults, youth and children. Number of registrants is limited. Time and Place to be announced shortly.
For More Information, visit or contact

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