Update from City Councillor Tony “Bucket” Walsh
Another month has gone by and I hope everyone’s summer is going well despite the weather.
The tenders have been awarded for repaving some of our streets which we budgeted for so don’t forget to respect the people that are directing the travel and the crews working on bettering our roads. The new middle school is well under way as well as the upgrades to Radio Street. There is a few detours so please be patient. Gretna Green school is also undergoing new renovations and it seems like we are starting to see some light with all the construction going on. The Payroll Centre is well under way as you can see the large crane on the property and vehicles moving ground being dug up.
I attended a barbecue in Queen Elizabeth Park on Saturday July 25th organized by the churches in Miramichi. Also served hot dogs and beverages to about one hundred people and had a great time chatting and meeting everyone.
Miramichi hosted the provincial horse-shoe championships which was very well represented with Miramichiers. Our Mayor is hosting his annual golf tournament the end of July.
With so many great things and events happening in our City it is hard to keep up and attend them all but I hope everyone is getting out and enjoying some of these great gatherings.
I attended the opening of the new trail on Beaubears Island and travelled by the big canoe. The workers there are fantastic and deserve a very big thank you from everyone and you should really try to go there and see the new look of the Island!
We had our grand opening of the Tourism Centre at the French Fort Cove Eco-Centre in mid-July and once again everyone should drop in and see the displays, as you will be amazed.
Our Irish festival was another huge success thanks to all our volunteers headed up by Paddy Quinn and Chopper Robinson. There were huge crouds on the waterfront and the weather held off to help it be a huge success. Our very own ambassador to Ireland was a guest speaker and did not dissappoint anyone with his amazing speech and knowledge of Miramichi’s Irish roots. We thank you very much Mr. Ambassador!
The Folk Song Festival is on tap for August as well as the Canadian Baseball Championships, old-times tourny, Acadian Days at Queen Elizabeth and music at Ritchie Wharf almost daily, weather pending.
In closing, I want to say I really like being on council and meeting everyone and helping deal with our city’s planning and future. I will continue to work for the betterment of our great city of Miramichi! If you have any questions or problems feel free to call me at 622-4612.
Thank you,
Tony Bucket Walsh

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.