Notice to Anglers – Pool Closures
Notice to Recreational Anglers Fisheries and Oceans Canada Gulf Region Salmon angling on the Miramichi River system Moncton – July 14, 2015 –
Fisheries and Oceans Canada wishes to inform the public that the following salmon fishing pools will be closed to angling for all species of fish, for cause of high water temperature and low water levels. These changes are effective as of Tuesday, July 14, 2015:
• The waters of the Northwest Miramichi River to a point 100 meters off the shore from 50 meters upstream to 100 meters downstream of the mouth of Wildcat Brook, and including the waters of Wildcat Brook 50 meters upstream of its mouth;
• The waters of the Northwest Miramichi River to a point 100 meters off the shore from 50 meters upstream to 100 meters downstream of the mouth of Trout Brook, and including the waters of Trout Brook 50 meters upstream of its mouth;
• Waters of the Little Southwest Miramichi River to a point 100 meters off the shore from 50 meters upstream to 100 meters downstream of the mouth of Harris Brook, and including the waters of Harris Brook 50 meters upstream of its mouth;
• Waters of the Little Southwest Miramichi River to a point 100 meters off the shore from 50 meters upstream to 100 meters downstream of the mouth of Parks Brook, and including the waters of Parks Brook 50 meters upstream of its mouth;
• The waters of the Southwest Miramichi River to a point 100 meters off shore from 50 meters upstream to 100 meters downstream of the mouth Gray Rapids Brook, and the waters of Gray Rapids upstream from its confluence with the Southwest Miramichi River to Route 118, an area locally known as Pete’s Brook;
• The waters of the Southwest Miramichi River to a point 100 meters off shore from 50 meters upstream to 100 meters downstream of the mouth of Hudson Brook, and including the waters of Hudson Brook 50 meters upstream of its mouth;
• The waters of the Southwest Miramichi River to a point 100 meters off shore from 50 meters upstream to 200 meters downstream of the mouth of Bartholomew River, and the waters of Bartholomew River upstream from its confluence with the Southwest Miramichi River to Highway #8;
• The waters of the Southwest Miramichi River to a point 100 meters off the shore from 50 meters upstream to 100 meters downstream of the mouth of Mersereau Brook, and including the waters of Mersereau Brook 50 meters upstream of its mouth;
• The waters of the Southwest Miramichi River to a point 100 meters off shore from 50 meters upstream to 100 meters downstream of the mouth of Morse Brook, and the waters of Morse Brook upstream from its confluence with the Southwest Miramichi River to Howard Road;
• The waters of the Southwest Miramichi River to a point 100 meters off the shore from 50 meters upstream to 100 meters downstream of the mouth of McKenzie Brook, and including the waters of McKenzie Brook 50 meters upstream of its mouth;
• The waters of the Southwest Miramichi River to a point 200 meters off shore from 50 meters upstream to 100 meters downstream of the mouth of Black Brook, and the waters of Black Brook upstream from its confluence with the Southwest Miramichi River to South Cains River Road;
• The waters of the Southwest Miramichi River to a point 100 meters off shore from 50 meters upstream to 300 meters downstream of the mouth of Donnelly Brook, and the waters of Donnelly Brook upstream from its confluence with the Southwest Miramichi River to the South Road Bridge;
• The waters of the Southwest Miramichi River, 100 meters downstream of the mouth of Mill Brook to a line drawn from grid reference 19T 728610E 5162685N to grid reference 19T 728621E 5162548N up to 50 meters upstream of the mouth of the said brook to a line drawn from grid reference 19T 728392E 5162687N to grid reference 19T 728380E 5162400N;
• The waters of the Southwest Miramichi River, 100 meters downstream of the mouth of Big Hole Brook to a line drawn from grid reference 19T 716331E 5158713N to grid reference 19T 716324E 5158601N up to 50 meters upstream of the mouth of the said brook to a line drawn from grid reference 19T 716067E 5158724N to grid reference 19T 716116E 5158558N;
• The waters of the Southwest Miramichi River to a point 200 meters off shore from 50 meters upstream to 300 meters downstream of the mouth of Betts Mills Brook, and the waters of Betts Mills Brook upstream from its confluence with the Southwest Miramichi River to Highway # 8;
• The waters of the Southwest Miramichi River to a point 100 meters off shore from 50 meters upstream to 100 meters downstream of the mouth of Porcupine Brook, and the waters of Porcupine Brook upstream from its confluence with the Southwest Miramichi River to Storeytown Road;
• The waters of the Renous River to a point 100 meters off shore from 50 meters upstream to 100 meters downstream of the pump house located at grid reference 20T 285909E 5187384N;
• The waters of the Renous River to a point 100 meters off the shore from 50 meters upstream to 100 meters downstream of the mouth of Butty’s Brook, and upstream from its confluence with the Renous River to South Renous River Road, an area locally known as Duffy’s Brook;
• The waters of the Cains River, 100 meters downstream of the mouth of Otter Brook to a line drawn from grid reference 20T 288745E 5169162N to grid reference 20T 288721E 5169075N up to 50 meters upstream of the mouth of the said brook to a line drawn from grid reference 20T 289000E 5169261N to grid reference 20T 289068E 5169198N, and including the waters of Otter Brook 50 meters upstream of its mouth, an area locally known as Brophy’s Place;
• The waters of the Cains River to a point 100 meters off the shore from 50 meters upstream to 100 meters downstream of the mouth of Cold Brook, including the waters of Cold Brook 50 meters upstream of its mouth;
• The waters of the Cains River, 300 meters downstream of the mouth of Salmon Brook to a line drawn from grid reference 20T 292350E 5165039N to grid reference 20T 292465E 5165054N up to 50 meters upstream of the mouth of the said brook to a line drawn from grid reference 20T 292311E 5164868N to grid reference 20T 292424E 5164798N, and the waters of Salmon Brook upstream from its confluence with the Cains River to South Cains River Road at grid reference point 20T 292771E 5164988N;
• The waters of the Cains River to a point 100 meters off the shore from 50 meters upstream to 100 meters downstream of the mouth of Muzeroll Brook, and including the waters of Muzeroll Brook 50 meters upstream of its mouth; and
• The waters of the Cains River to a point 100 meters off the shore from 50 meters upstream to 100 meters downstream of the mouth of Six Mile Brook, and including the waters of Six Mile Brook 50 meters upstream of its mouth;
Please note that the following salmon harvesting pools will remain closed until December 31, 2015:
• The waters of the Northwest Miramichi River inside a line drawn from a point on land at grid reference 285336E 5202332N located approximately 100 meters upstream from the mouth of Sutherland Brook, then across to the north side of the river at grid reference 285560E 5202535N then downstream from grid reference 285719E 5202415N to grid reference 285505E 5202205N located approximately 100 meters downstream from the mouth of Sutherland Brook and Sutherland Brook upstream to the highway 420 bridge;
• The waters of the north side of the Southwest Miramichi River inside a line drawn from a point on land at grid reference 298589E 5196806N located approximately 100 meters downstream from Wilson Brook, southward to grid reference 298667E 5196744N and upstream to grid reference 298518E 5196616N and northward to grid reference 298437E 5196676N located on land approximately 100 meters upstream from Wilson Brook and including the waters of Wilson Brook upstream 100 meters of its mouth, an area locally known as the Bear Den; and
• The waters of the Southwest Miramichi River inside a line drawn from a point on land at grid reference 287787E 5189991N located approximately 300 meters downstream from Quarryville Bridge across to the north side of the river at grid reference 287692E 5190123N upstream to grid reference 287239E 5189734N and to grid reference 287361E 5189590N located approximately 300 meters upstream from Quarryville Bridge and Indian Town Brook upstream to highway 108 bridge;
All geographical coordinates are expressed in North American Datum 1983 (NAD 1983).

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