Local Horror Author to give Public Reading
On Tuesday May 12th in Chatham, Miramichi writer Matt Mott will be reading from his new collection of horror stories, Finding Woods. The event begins at 7 pm in the James M Hill Learning Commons, in the school library. Refreshments will be served, followed by the author’s reading and audience questions. Signed copies will be available for $15. Admission is free. Due to the mature content of the collection, this event may not be appropriate for children.
Meet a family torn apart by a mother drowned. She will not let her son be, and her grieving husband will not let her go. Meet a young boy on a mission in the woods. He thinks his imaginary friend may be a real witch, or at least her ghost. Either way, he thinks he knows where to find her. And meet a woman obsessed with her shower. She thinks the trees are taking over, slowly replacing the town and its people, but just because no one else has any memory of the missing doesn’t mean she’s wrong. In this collection, Mott calmly takes you into the backwoods of New Brunswick, and then without looking back, he leaves you there to find your own way out. Be sure to mind the trees.
Matt Mott was born and raised on the Miramichi and educated at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. His poetry has appeared in The Antigonish Review, he was shortlisted for The Malahat Review’s 2012 Novella Prize, and he has been an Editorial Assistant for Qwerty and The Fiddlehead. He has also been known to warp young minds from time to time, having taught writing and literature at UNB Fredericton and College of the North Atlantic – Labrador City. Finding Woods is his debut collection. He lives and writes in Saint John, New Brunswick.

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