Soup’s On Again in Greater Blackville Area
Soup’s On is a Greater Blackville Resource Centre (GBRC) project that offers Free Meals and community spirit throughout the greater Blackville area. Various organizations and churches in the area have been hosting a free community luncheon every Tuesday from February 24th until April 28th, 2015.
Seven volunteer groups have partnered with GBRC to “Promote Unity in our Community” and deliver the Soup’s On Again program. They are: Voice of Hope Ministries, Upper Blackville Baptist Church, Anglican Church in Blackville and Grey Rapids, St. Raphael’s Catholic Church, United Church in Blackville and the Knights of Columbus. Over 800 volunteer hours will have been put into serving the community one meal a week over a 10 week period. This has been a tremendous community effort and has gotten many through a very long winter season.
“We are seeing 60 – 100 people in our community taking part in the Soups On Again program each week,” says GBRC Founder and President, Rev. Albertine LeBlanc. “Soup’s On has proven to be a very positive experience for the people of our community. It has encouraged many of our seniors and shut-ins to come out to enjoy a meal and socialize.”
Upcoming “Soup’s On Again” Dates
April 14 – Anglican Church Hall in Blackville
April 21 – Upper Blackville Baptist Church on Howard Road
April 28 – Catholic Church hall in Blackville.
The lunches are free, however donations are accepted at the door by the hosting organizations. So far donations have been distributed as follows: St. Raphael’s Catholic Church proceeds going to School Breakfast Program, United Church donated to Mission and Services, St. Agnes Anglican Church donated to Juvenile Diabetes, Voice of Hope Ministries donated to GBRC Food Bank, Knights of Columbus donated to GBRC Food Bank.
GBRC wishes to thank all of the church groups and service groups for their partnership, and thank you to all of the volunteers who have worked diligently on a minimal budget serving anywhere from 60-100 people a week. Thank you to the people of our community who attended.
The free luncheons are open to ANYONE and EVERYONE to come and have a meal and socialize. Anyone wishing to volunteer to cook, serve, or organize, please contact one of the hosting organizations listed above, or Rev. LeBlanc at 843-9034.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.