St. Agnes Hosting Stations of the Cross During Lent
The Anglican Parish of Derby and Blackville continues to host Love Was His Meaning: Stations of the Cross services every Friday during Lent at St. Agnes’ Anglican Church in Grey Rapids. Sessions were already held on February 20, February 27 and March 6.
Following the services, a simple Lenten lunch will be held at the Church Hall, along with a guest speaker.
- March 13: The Rev’d Chris VanBuskirk, Rector, Parish of Moncton (St. George’s)
- March 20: The Rev’d Canon George Eves, Priest-in-Charge, Anglican Parish of Gondola Point
- March 27: The Rev’d Deacon Yvon Goulet, Roman Catholic Deacon, CSC Chaplain, Atlantic Institution, Renous
Services begin at 11:30am. All faiths are welcome. For more information, call 843-6022.

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