Fad Diet Victims: There is a Better Way

If you are going to have a snack, make it count! Combining protein and carbohydrates will keep you fuller, longer.
by Kayla Hébert, Sobeys Registered Dietitian
Achieving a healthier lifestyle can be a challenge because everywhere we turn, there is a new book being released starring the newest “miracle diet” that promises quick weight loss. At some point in our lives, most of us have fallen victim to various fad diets. The biggest problem is that these diets can deprive our bodies of healthy foods and nutrients.
For the majority of the population, the only “special diet” we require is a balanced diet full of real foods and plenty of variety. If this is the first time you’ve heard of this diet, think again. You’ve seen it in the doctor’s office, at the grocery store and even in your child’s backpack. For those who haven’t guessed, this diet is none other than Canada’s Food Guide.
Now, I know exactly what you all are thinking: “I’ll never lose all this weight before the summer” or “but that diet gave me an easy to follow meal plan”. Don’t get discouraged, losing weight the healthy way may take more time, but your body will thank you for it. With healthy lifestyle changes, the results will be lasting. The only way to lose weight is to take in fewer calories than you burn. The amount of calories you need depends on your height, weight and how active you are. Here are some tips that will help keep your body well nourished during your weight loss journey:
Include 3-4 food groups in every meal
If you are going to have a snack, make it count! Combining protein and carbohydrates will keep you fuller, longer.
Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated
Don’t be afraid to treat yourself in moderation. Plan a “treat day” once every week or two.
At the restaurant, ask for a half portion, or ask for a take-out container at the start of your meal and put away half before even starting to eat. The other half can be eaten for the next day’s lunch.
Get moving! A healthy lifestyle includes 150 minutes of physical activity every week. Start slowly and progress towards this goal.
A healthy amount of weight loss is approximately 1-2 lbs a week. Don’t get discouraged when the numbers on the scale don’t drop as quickly as you would like. Also, muscle weighs more than fat, another way to track your progress is by measuring yourself.
Don’t forget that small changes can make a big difference.
Next time you think about starting a new diet ask yourself the following questions: Does this diet promise quick results in a short period of time? Will I have to avoid healthy foods (or entire food groups) that I enjoy? If the answer is yes, then this might not be the diet for you.
For more tips on living a healthy lifestyle, plan to attend a free nutrition event at Sobeys in Douglastown. Contact me at or call 778-0163 for more information or to sign up for a class.
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