MSA Board Receives Update on Proposed Energy East Pipeline
Senior Managers from TransCanada Energy East Pipeline outlined their company’s updated plans for the New Brunswick portion of the TransCanada East Pipeline to the Miramichi Salmon Association’s Board of Directors at their annual mid-winter meeting, held recently in Burlington, Mass.
In addition to summarizing TransCanada’s experience and best practices in pipeline construction and safety, their presentation also identified the revised route they are now proposing for the pipeline through the Upper Miramichi River watershed. Specifically, this new route will reduce the number of river crossing thereby lessening the potential negative impact to fisheries and river habitat from any pipeline event, particularly in light of the alarming decline of salmon runs over the last 3 years. These revisions have come about in large part as a result of the ongoing engagement that MSA and TransCanada have shared throughout the past 12 months.
The MSA appreciates TransCanada’s willingness to discuss additional measures that will be taken to mitigate risk, such as thicker wall pipe under river crossings and isolation values on the pipeline throughout the Miramichi watershed. “Good progress has been made to this date”, says David Wilson, Chairman of the Miramichi Salmon Association. “Our message has been heard and we will continue to dialogue with TransCanada in an effort to help mitigate any potential risk associated with this energy project.”
Gord Mouland, Chairman of MSA’s Land Use Committee, will continue to lead the MSA’s ongoing discussions with TransCanada.
For further information, please contact:
- Mark Hambrook, MSA President 506-622-4000
- Gordon Mouland, MSA Land Use Policy Chair, 506-635-1566
- David Wilson, MSA Chairman 506-458-8505

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