Local Blackville Churches Helping Families in Need This Christmas
For the past 11 years, Saint Raphael’s Roman Catholic Church in Blackville has collected toys and clothing for local youth in need at Christmastime. Last year, the parish collected gifts for 13 children from seven families. Families remain anonymous; tags are placed on a Christmas tree with the age, gender and size of the child marked. Once you take a tag, you purchase the gift, wrap it and return to the church with the original tag included. The tag contains an identifying code that ensures that the gift gets delivered to the correct child. As in previous years, Saint Andrews United Church has joined forces with Saint Raphael’s to collect gifts. The deadline to select a tag has passed, however turkeys are still needed.
Each family receives a Christmas food basket as well. Financial contributions or non-perishable food items can also be donated. If you wish to donate a much needed turkey, please call John McCarthy at 843-2414 before December 14th.
This community program is made possible by the parish, Blackville School who provides the names of the children in need, Main Street ValuFoods who donates food items and cash donations from their 50/50 draw, Sunny Corner Enterprises who offer financial support and various individuals.
If you have selected a tag already, gifts can be taken to the church on December 13th and 14th.
For more information, please call Cecilia Brophy at 843-2836 or John McCarthy at 843-2414.

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