Trenches – A Poem

When I look out in the night, I see stars as bright as a flame,
on the muddy, bloody ground, all I see is the bloodshed of millions.
And in the fields, the body of thousands.
Every day is the same, wishing I leave, wishing I die.
Every night the passion of millions fall in a blink of an eye
all I see is the brutal destruction of a land and a world.
Many people live, many people die
that’s war,
but this is not war this is chaos.
Everyday explosive bombs fall like a meteor; sometimes people lose their mind
sometimes people just die.
Shells flying forcefully through the cool night sky,
people viciously dying, shellshock and disease;
this is war
and war is frightening.
All I can say now is help.
All I can say now is bye.
I’ve been captured and I’m going to die.
My legacy is war, and war is my legacy.

– Aidan Creaghan, London, ON
St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School
Poem written for Grade 10 English, June 2011
Aidan is the grandson of Nan Creaghan of Miramichi, NB.

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