Household Hazardous Waste & E-waste Collection
The Greater Miramichi Regional Service Commission – Solid Waste Services advises there will be a Household Hazardous Waste and E-waste Collection on Saturday October 4th, 2014 from 8 am until 12 noon at 320 Newcastle Blvd., in the Saint Mary’s Catholic Church parking lot.
Examples of accepted Household Hazardous Waste (HHW):
Adhesives, Aerosol Cans, Antifreeze Coolant, Automotive Fluid, Batteries (car & household), Beauty Products, Bleach, Butane Cartridge, Car Care Products, Cleaning Products, Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs, Diesel Fuel, Driveway Sealant, Ethanol, Fertilizers, Fluorescent tubes, Flea Powder, Floor & Furniture Polish/Wax, Gasoline, General Household Chemicals, Herbicides, Insecticides, Kerosene, Lighters & Lighter Fluid, Mercury (thermometers), Metal Polishes, Motor Oil/Filters, Nail Polish/Remover, Oven Cleaner, Paint & Related Products, Pesticides, Pool Chemicals, Propane Tanks & Cylinders, Solvants, Stains, Stain Removers, Upholstery Cleaner, Used Engine Oil, Varnishes, Windshield Washer Fluid
Items NOT accepted:
Explosives, Radioactive Waste, PCBs, Bio Hazardous Waste, Ammunition, Tires, Fire Extinguishers
Examples of accepted E-Waste:
Computers & laptop, Digital cameras, External drives, Fax machines, Flat LCD & CRT monitors, Gaming consoles, Hard drives, Modems, Mouse, Printers, Radio, Scanners, Speakers, Telephones, Televisions
Items NOT accepted:
Washers, Dryers, Toasters, Microwaves, Vacuum cleaners, Refrigerators, Freezers, Air conditioners, Small kitchen appliances

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