NB Election 2014 – Local Candidates
To read official Party Platforms click the Party name:
Green Party
Liberal Party
PC Party
People’s Alliance Party
Miramichi Riding
Green Party Candidate, Patty Deitch
For 30 years, I have lived on the Miramichi. In those years, I have raised four children, been blessed by developing wonderful friendships and have been a registered nurse working in the acute care setting, home care, and community care. Since 2007, I have been a full time employee of the University of New Brunswick, teaching in the Bachelor of Nursing program at the Bathurst Campus. My work and life experience has drawn me to work on behalf of those who are vulnerable and marginalized by life circumstance with the goal of supporting individuals as they develop the capacity to take charge of their lives. It is imperative that we have programs that promote health and illness prevention and of course, consistent with this, is the concern for a healthy and clean environment. It is my belief that we must be mindful of our responsibility to take care of the earth, the vulnerable and contribute to a province that our children and their children can thrive in.
Liberal Party Candidate, Bill Fraser
Bill Fraser has been fortunate to represent the people of the greater Miramichi area since 2006 when he was first elected to represent the riding of Miramichi-Bay du Vin. Fraser was one of the Deputy Speakers of the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick. He was a member of several standing committees and served on various Select Committees.
Re-elected in 2010, Fraser has been was official opposition critic for matters related to health and is currently critic for transportation and infrastructure, NB Internal Services Agency, government services, Service NB and Official Opposition House Leader.
As the youngest of seven siblings, Fraser knows how hard families work to make ends meet. He also knows how important it is for parents to ensure that their children have the best opportunity to succeed through access to education and skills training.
Fraser graduated with a major in business from James M. Hill Memorial High School in 1988. In 2002, he stepped back into the classroom and he is working toward a bachelor’s degree through university programs offered in Miramichi. He has been in the workforce since the age of 15, working two jobs while attending school full-time. At the age of 21, he purchased a convenience store business. In 1995, he started B.Q.M. Communications, expanding to Newcastle, Rogersville and Rexton. He sold B.Q.M Communications to Downeast in 2002.
He has been a board member of the Miramichi Regional Development Corporation, Greater Miramichi Chamber of Commerce, Northumberland Business Advisory Centre, Chatham Non-Profit Housing, Miramichi Task Force and Historic Water Street Business District. He volunteered with Canada Day Committees, White Gold Festival, Christmas Parades and Tall Ships. He has been a member of the Miramichi Rotary Club, Chatham Lion’s Club, and the city’s economic development committee.
NDP Candidate, Roger Vautour
PC Party Candidate, Robert Trevors
Robert Trevors was born and raised in the City of Miramichi. Most recently, Mr. Trevors served as executive assistant to MP Tilly O’Neill-Gordon. He also served three terms on Miramichi City Council. He was elected to represent Miramichi Centre in the September 27, 2010, provincial election. Mr. Trevors also has extensive knowledge of the forestry industry, having spent 28 years working in the industry, including 22 years in a management position at UPM Kymmene Miramichi. He also volunteer for minor, junior and senior hockey, holding various executive positions. Mr. Trevors is married to Sherry Trevors. They have one daughter, a son-in-law and two granddaughters.
Independent Candidate, Michael (Tanker) Malley
Michael (Tanker) Malley was born on July 8, 1962 in Chatham. He attended James M. Hill High School and studied carpentry at New Brunswick Community College. For 12 years, he was a school bus driver with School District 16. His volunteer activities have included fire fighter at the Chatham Fire Department and ambulance driver/ attendant with the St. John Ambulance. He also served as an altar boy at St. Michael’s Basilica for ten years, and served on St. Michael’s Parish Council for two terms.
Malley held the position of Chatham Town Councillor from May 1992 until December 1994. With the formation of Miramichi City in 1995, he then became a Miramichi City Councillor, a position he held from February 1995 until his election to the Legislative Assembly in June 1999. He was elected Deputy Mayor of Miramichi City in May 1998.
As a member of the Progressive Conservative Party, Mr. Malley was re-elected in the provincial general election in 2003. On February 21, 2006, Mr. Malley announced his intention to sit as an Independent Member of the Legislative Assembly. On April 13, 2006, Hon. Mr. Malley announced his intention to rejoin the Progressive Conservative caucus. On March 28, 2006, Mr. Malley was elected Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
He presently resides in Miramichi East with his wife Darlene M. (Connell) Malley and their two children, Mark and Stephanie.
Miramichi Bay-Neguac Riding
Green Party Candidate, Filip Vanicek
Liberal Party Candidate, Lisa Harris
Lisa Harris, the Liberal Candidate for Miramichi Bay-Neguac, currently works with Service Canada. She is also the current Deputy Mayor of the City of Miramichi. Through this position, Lisa serves on several local and provincial boards, councils and action groups including: Chairperson of Finance – City of Miramichi, One Voice – City of Miramichi, Pension Board, and as a Director -Cities of NB, Director – Unions of NB Municipalities Director- Nelson Citizens Committee.
Lisa has been passionately involved in provincial politics for a number of years including holding positions as former Executive Assistant to the Speaker of Legislative Assembly of NB, former President of the Woman’s Liberal Association and former member of the young Liberals.
She has also been deeply involved in the community as a 16-year member of the Home and School Association, seven-year member of the Parent/School Advisory Committee, as a past Chairperson of Miramichi Communities in Bloom, former member of the Miramichi Advisory Committee on Youth, and the Miramichi Skate Park Commission, along with service to other organizations.
Proud of her track record in public service and education, Lisa believes investing in people creates better opportunities for our future. Lisa has a Bachelor of Adult Education degree from UNB and has worked most of her career in the education field. She was also a very successful entrepreneur as the former owner/ operator of Grand Ole Bakery.
A lifelong resident of Miramichi, Lisa is married to Eugene Harris and they have two sons, Riley and Ransen.
NDP Candidate, Curtis Bartibogue
Curtis Bartibogue is a member of the Esgenoopetitj First Nations community. He is 34 years old, married and father of 2 children.
Curtis graduated from Miramichi Valley High School class of 97. He then attended Dalhousie University in Halifax in 1997-1998, the University of New Brunswick in 1998-99 and the First Nations University in Saskatoon in 2005.
Curtis sat on Esgenoopetitj First Nation Band Council from 2004 to 2014. He has also been on the National Youth Council with the Assembly of First Nations in Ottawa from 2004 to 2007 and co-chair of the Mikmaw Maliseet Atlantic Youth Council from 2006-2009. He received the Queen Diamond Jubilee Medal for his work with First Nations youth.
In his spare time, Curtis enjoys practising sports such as Hockey, golf, biking and hiking. He is also a singer and song writer.
“In my 10 years of experience in First Nations politics, I have always advocated for accountability and transparency and have exposed corruption whenever I could. I am not afraid to stand up against injustices and speak the truth. I have worked with young people at the local, provincial, regional and national levels. I have been a voice for youth and my fellow community members for many years. Now I will be a voice for all New Brunswickers. I am passionate about creating a safe and brighter future for the next generations and believe we can maintain a healthy environment while developing a strong economy.” A New Generation looking out for the Next Generation
PC Party Candidate, Serge Robichaud
Serge Robichaud is a native of Saint-Wilfred with more than 20 years of service in the Canadian Armed Forces. During his time in the armed forces, Mr. Robichaud took part in many national and international missions including the Oka crisis in 1990, Quebec’s ice storm in 1998, as well as missions in the former Yugoslavia and in Bosnia. In 2005, Mr. Robichaud retired from the armed forces and returned to the Miramichi region, where he volunteered his time as vice-president of the minor hockey association and managed a number of hockey teams.
He was elected to represent Miramichi Bay-Neguac in the September 27, 2010 provincial election. He is a Progressive Conservative.
At the Legislative Assembly he is vice-chair of the Standing Committee on Law Amendments and he is a member of the Standing Committee on Privileges. He was named Legislative Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries, responsible for fisheries and aquaculture November 5, 2010.
Mr. Robichaud and his wife, Annie Gauthier, have three children – François, Mathieu and Émilie.
Southwest Miramichi-Bay du Vin Riding
Green Party Candidate, Kevin Matthews
Liberal Party Candidate, Norma Smith
Norma has lived in the Boiestown area all her life and she understands the challenges and issues that face the people of rural New Brunswick.
Norma has experience working with government, and for the constituents of Southwest Miramichi, as the constituency assistant for the former MLA, as well as the executive assistant for the former minister of human resources and the minister responsible for aboriginal affairs.
Norma believes that Liberal Leader, Brian Gallant, has shown great interest in the difficulties facing her riding. She is determined to work with him, and the rest of the Liberal team, to improve our economy, increase the number of jobs, and preserve our future by investing in education and the responsible development and protection of our natural resources.
Norma believes the onus is on the government to create the conditions for economic success in her region. She believes with the right team in place we can improve our communities together.
NDP Candidate, Douglas Mullin
Douglas Mullin was born and raised in Sunny Corner. He was raised in a religious home and had ambitions of living abroad for his working career. His time as a Bible College student took him to Kenya and this experience gave him a new perspective on New Brunswick’s place in the world.
He travelled to South Korea for the experience of teaching English as a Second Language. Though he loved his overseas experiences, the draw of home was great. Returning to New Brunswick to seek a position in a church, he embarked on a career in customer service. A short stint as a pastor drew Douglas to Fredericton to upgrade his first degree. Rather than doing the quick path, he stayed at STU for a full BA in Political Science and Human Rights. He worked while in school, continuing in the customer service industry. He has work experience in convenience stores, hotels and contact centres. He is currently employed with UPS in their brokerage operations. As well, he works part-time as a photographer.
Outside of his paid employment, Douglas spends his time giving back to his community. He is actively involved in the activities of Christ Church Cathedral, which includes volunteering at Fredericton’s Community Kitchen. He is a member of the board of directors for Fredericton Homeless Shelters. He is also active in advocating for better transit service in Fredericton.
He is a proud Miramichier, with a strong desire to create the opportunities for Miramichi to be self-sufficient in job creation. Eliminating the small business tax would help many businesses in Miramichi to remain competitive. It would allow small business owners to follow their dream, while putting money back into the economy.
“We can be a ‘have’ province, with some innovative thinking and hard work. Let’s pull together and take responsibility for the state of affairs in our province. We can turn the tide by working together.”
PC Party Candidate, Jake Stewart
Jake Stewart was born and raised in Blackville, New Brunswick. Showing an appreciation for the political process at an early age, Jake served as Blackville School Student Council Vice President while a member of the 1996 graduating class.
He served on the Blackville Municipal Council from 2008 to 2010, when he was sworn in as the first ever Blackville resident to represent Southwest Miramichi following the September 27, 2010, provincial election.
At the Legislative Assembly, he is a member of the Standing Committee on Private Bills and the Standing Committee on Procedure. He has also been appointed by the Minister of Education to sit on the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Positive Learning and Working Environment (Anti Bullying).
As a singer, songwriter and musician, he has volunteered his talent to various benefits and fund raisers, including those for the local food bank, cancer research, and diabetes research. In 2011, Jake released his first studio album.
He graduated from St. Thomas University in 2003 with a Bachelor of Arts while earning a major in Sociology and minor in History. He has also studied Education at the University of Maine at Presque Isle.
Mr. Stewart is an avid fly-fisherman and experienced fishing guide in Miramichi. He has coached Minor Baseball, and Women`s Softball.
In Miramichi, Jake sits on the Miramichi Suicide Prevention Committee and is the founder of the Josie Foundation.
He and his wife Shannon are the busy parents of four children: River, Roman, Leia and Meadow.
People’s Alliance Party Candidate, Wes Gullison
Wes Gullison, deputy party leader from Boiestown, NB, will run in the riding Southwest Miramichi-Bay du Vin. He is a married father of two young children. He is a post-secondary graduate in Accounting and Computer applications and works as a silviculture operations supervisor in the Boiestown/Doaktown area. Gullison is running for the People’s Alliance for a second time, having run in 2010 in the former Southwest Miramichi riding. He also ran in the 2012 municipal election for mayor in Upper Miramichi which he fell nine votes short.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.