Good Vibrations
Good things happening around the Mighty Miramichi! If you have a little bit of good news to share, email us at , mention Good Vibrations in the subject line.
Nan Creaghan of Burnt Church recently published her first book, Sailing Uncharted Waters. It is a fictional allegory on the life of a young girl growing up in a small town. As a teenager and young adult, Victoria faces trials, tribulation and challenges she tries to overcome with courage and faith. The novel is the first work in a trilogy the author plans to publish. Originally from Dalhousie, NB, Nan’s work has been previously published in Bread ‘n Molasses magazine. The book costs $20 and is available for purchase at the Newcastle Farmers Market on Friday and at her home on Bayview Drive. For more information telephone 776-5165 or email .
The Miramichi Curling Club will open its 2014-2015 season with the ice installation during the first week of October. The Open House for all returning and new members will run Monday, October 20th to Thursday, October 23rd. An invitation is extended to anyone who would like to give curling a try. There will be curling equipment available along with technical instruction. As usual , there will be sign-up and registration forms available for all leagues. If you need any further information , please call the Club President Graham Wade at 506-622-3060 or visit their website at
A local Documentary, Still Fishing: Beyond the Escuminac Disaster, was accepted into the 2014 Atlantic Film Festival in Halifax. The 28 minute film recounts the story of the 1959 Escuminac Disaster that claimed the lives of 35 fishermen through the perspectives of survivors Alphonse Doucet, Theodore Williston, and Max Martin as well as friends and family. The film was directed, shot, and edited by Andrew King and produced by Cindy Trevors and Terry Power of the Miramichi River Tourism Association. The 34th Atlantic Film Festival is an eight-day celebration of film, media, and music from around the world, that took place from September 11th to 18th.
ExploreEcoNB is a new mobile application that connects people with nature, encouraging outdoor physical activity and exploration and appreciation of natural places not just in the Miramichi River region but in the entire province. The app uses GPS data to identify your location and shows natural attractions nearby. Great for when you’re on vacation and trying to find something to do, or when you’re at home and trying to discover a new area to explore! Browse through various natural attractions in NB and learn more about the activities and ecology of each. You can filter by preferred activities, current location, or by partner organization. Available for iPhone, Android or Windows phones. Visit

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.