Submissions Welcome: Poetry, Photos, & More!
We love it when submissions from two different people come in that were meant to go together. This stunning photo of the Miramichi River by moonlight from Jason Irving is the perfect backdrop for the poem by Elizabeth McGrath.
Send your submissions of photography, poetry, short stories, or articles about people, businesses, and organizations who are “Givin’er on the River to .
I dream of nights we had back then, as I sip on my tea,
Relaxing back upon my chair, I call the old lazy.
I look out at the moonlit night, the stars so nice to see,
Remembering back when we were young, how it used to be.
A family all together, sitting ‘round the room in peace,
While Lorna played the piano, just owning all the keys.
The music seemed to take away an ache or pain we had,
Moments that were given us, fill up our hearts with glad.
Yes, music filled our hearts with glee, when Lorna played by ear,
We used to use the table, till we got the upright here.
I wouldn’t change a single thing, or envy those I knew,
For love was in our circle, it carried us on through.
—Elizabeth McGrath, December 5, 2013

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.
Hi I am interested in submitting some photos of the area.Not sure how to do it.