Miramichi Masons Complete Bowlathon for Camp Goodtime

Back left – W. Master Lorn Jay, Northumberland #17,
W. Bro. Plen Dickson P.Master Miramichi #18, W. Bro. Ernest Maltby. Third Row- W. Master Murray Gould, Miramichi #18, Mrs Jackie Jay, W.Bro. Glen Gerrish P.M. Second Row- Bro. Frank Ross, W. Bro. Frank Mullin P.M., Bro. Cory Shaddick, Wife Amy & Daughter. Front left – Bro. Wayne Cook – and hiding in the background, a main contributor to this Bowlathon, Bro. Les Froment.
By Dave Bucklow
The Masons of the Miramichi recently completed a Bowlathon fundraiser in support of Camp Goodtime.
Camp Goodtime is a great camping experience provided to New Brunswick Children suffering from Cancer, located on Grand Lake, and suitable for children between the ages of 7 and 12.
Since 1998 the Masons of New Brunswick have been utilizing Camp Rotary on Grand Lake as it is a camp specifically built for special need children. Through the NB Masons, operating as Camp Goodtime, it provides a full range of activities with qualified councillors and a Canadian Cancer Society medical team of Oncology nurses and Physicians.
Since the first Camp Goodtime, New Brunswick Masons have contributed over $500,000 to fund this project, covering all registration cost for the children, councillors and the Medical Team.

A great time was had by the Masons attending the Bowlathon, with lots of laughter at the many gutter balls.
A great time was had by the Masons attending the Bowlathon, with lots of laughter at the many gutter balls. Most of us only play once a year!
Activities were followed by light refreshments in the Dairy Queen restaurant. While most were eating, the pledges were counted, and once again the generosity of the big hearted Miramichi folk showed through with approximately $2700 raised and a few outstanding pledges yet to come. Amazing!
From the Masons of Northumberland Lodge #17 and Miramichi Lodge #18 we wish to extend another big thank you to all our supports on the Mighty Miramichi! You’re the ones that make it happen!
For more information on Free Masonry, visit glnb.org.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.