Miramichi Chamber’s Action plan for 2014
The Miramichi Chamber’s Annual General meeting held at the Riverside Entertainment Center last Thursday April 3rd had an excellent turnout. Energy Minister Craig Leonard spoke on shale gas and entertained questions from the floor.
To highlight the Chambers vision, President Mike Hill laid out in detail the plan for 2014 and said one of their main tasks was to inform the residents of Miramichi through open meetings in the upcoming year.
Listen to Mike Hill’s delivery.
Miramichi Chamber AGM 2014 from Giv'er Miramichi on Vimeo.
The Chambers 2014 ‘priorities’ for Miramichi:
The Chambers mandate:
- Represent the regional business network
- Advocate for economic development
- Encourage job creation and sustainability
What does advocacy and action look like:
- Passive support
- Celebration of accomplishment and performance
- Facilitation of relevant dialogue
- Aggressive lobbying
- Vocal and narrative opposition and editorial position
Transportation and Infrastructure:
- Rural rail that includes commitment to both freight and commuter rail lines
- Road maintenance, route development, business network voice and influence
- Waterways, wharf rejuvenation, commerce on our river
- Airport promotion and commuter / cargo traffic growth
Economic Development Project Approval Process
- Continuous improvement mindset
- Customer Service climate and culture
- ‘Miramichi is open for business’
The Miramichi Wood Basket:
- NB Forestry Plan provides no benefits for Miramichi
- Dumping of supply detrimental to industry . . . 660,000 cubic meters annually is detrimental
- Support for private wood owners is vital . . .these small business enterprises are in peril
- Creation of ‘regional councils’ is paramount . . . a model adapted in Quebec, Maine, Ontario, B.C. Europe, Scandinavian countries
- Where is our wood going? Where are our jobs going? What is government doing about this right now?!
Health and Human Services:
- Overall services to Seniors . . . excessive wait times for assessment, home care for vulnerable populations
- Current financial investment of $8M in Mount St. Joseph renovations is wasteful and myopic
- Need for anew seniors home in Miramichi
Celebration of Regional Economic Development Success:
- NBCC Miramichi campus renovations, new programs, increased enrolment projections
- Doaktown mill investment and positive economic impact on that community
- Federal Payroll Centre . . . 600 living wage jobs projected, direct and indirect economic impact very positive
Natural Gas Investment and Shale Gas Exploration
- Chamber taking leadership in promoting economic development benefits
- Promoting a series of information workshops: Minister of Energy, SWN industrial perspective, Deloitte analysis of direct and indirect job market impact, NB anti- Shale Gas Coalition viewpoint
- Ensuring business network and citizens generally can make an informed decision on this investment opportunity
Chamber Facilitation Leadership during Election Year:
- Provincial Candidates debate forum will be created for regional MLA participation and platform disclosure
- Issues important to Miramichi will be highlighted . . . economic development, rural rail, wood system, education, health care, natural gas, etc.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.