Miramichi Emergency Centre for Women
The Miramichi Emergency Centre for Women is a non-profit organization that provides women with or without children who are experiencing abuse with safe shelter and support.
The Centre has a 24/7 crisis line at 622-8865. Staff are also available if you would like to book a presentation or information session. We now have an Outreach Worker who can provide Outreach Services.
All of the Miramichi Emergency Centre for Women’s services are FREE of charge.
The Centre greatly appreciates donations of household items, cleaning supplies, clothing, personal care items, furniture, items for children and babies etc. They also appreciate monetary donations that can go towards helping women access private specialized counselling, upgrades to the Centre etc.
The Centre has a 50/50 weekly draw entitled Chibucks. For instructions on how and where to play your toonie for Chibucks please visit our website at Miramichiemergencycentre4women.com or visit our Facebook page
The Miramichi Emergency Centre for Women would like to take this time to thank the community of Miramichi for all their support over the past 28 years.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.