Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, September 12, 2013
As we move closer to mid September, water conditions are remaining on the high side, and could get even higher with the rain this week and possibly on the weekend. High water is generally making angling difficult, not only in getting to the rivers, but finding the fish which are moving and spread out all over the river with few pools in sight.
The positive side is that there are fish around, even if they are not taking well. So there is incentive to go to the rivers. Gradually, the Fall colours are beginning to show, and anglers are moving to more traditional Fall patterns.

Ledges guide Andrew Anthony and Kim Allan with her first Atlantic Salmon.
Doug White’s Tammerack Sports Fly Shop in Juniper said this will be his final report from that area as the season ends there to the Forks this weekend. There will be a few pools on the main river open till October 15, but with the river in constant spring freshet height and the increasing cold weather he didn’t predict there would be much happening from here on out. “So, I guess it’s like the old drive-in movie sign said. See you in the spring”, said White.
W. W. Doak and Sons in Doaktown said the water was still high and dropping, but fishable. They were hoping we don’t get too much rain this week, or the levels will be way up again. There were some fish being caught here and there, but angling was difficult as it was hard to get a fly in front of a fish because they were not pooling and traveling all over the river. There was certainly no captive audience pooled up. Over all it was good for the fish, if not the fisherman.
Flies of choice were big and bright with such patterns as Ally’s Shrimps, General Practitioners, Copper Killers, Mickey Finns and Same-Thing-Murrays on primarily no. 4 hooks.
Derek Munn of Ledges Inn in Doaktown and Mountain Channel in the Rapids area said they were catching a few fish everyday but not many and not seeing a lot jumping. The water has been high and just getting back to normal but we had a heavy thunderstorm Wednesday at suppertime, and it looks like rain up until Saturday so they will more than likely be experiencing high water again. At Mountain Channel the water was super high, but they’re reporting seeing a few fresh fish.
Flies of choice were Stoneflies,Fall patterns and Green Machines.
Herb Barry Sr. of Herb’s Fly Shop on the Station Road in Blackville said there were lots of fish around, particularly big salmon, but the problem was getting them to take. He was rolling fish on a Blue Rat. The water was still high and barely fishable. It needed to drop another two feet to be normal, and more rain was in the forecast. Some fish were being hooked in the Howard area.
Flies of choice were Blue Rats, L.T. Specials, Cascades, General Practitioners, and Ally’s Shrimps on no. 4 hooks.
Curtis Miramichi River Outfitting in Blackville said anglers were getting a few fish, but not great numbers. However, they were seeing lots and rolling a lot. The water was fishably high. Canoeing conditions were good.
Flies of choice were Ally’s Shrimps, General Practitioners, L. T. Specials, Green Highlanders and Rusty Rats.
George Routledge of George’s Fly Shop at the Mouth of Renous in Quarryville said anglers were catching the odd fish here and there, averaging a total of three or four a day for the whole Quarryville area. There seemed to be some fish around, and they were on the Stewart (South) side. The water was still high in both the Main Southwest and Renous, but at least fishable.
Flies of choice were regular Green Machines and Shady Ladies, White-tailed Green Machines and White-tailed Shady Ladies, Black Ghosts and Routledges on no. 4 hooks.
Jim Laws of Miramichi Hunting and Fishing in Newcastle, Miramichi reported lots of water in all rivers, and more to come according to the forecasts. Only the odd fish was being hooked here and there.
Flies of choice were White-tailed Green Machines, traditional Fall patterns and some Bombers.
Syd Matchett of Trout Brook Fly Shop on the Northwest Miramichi said angling was quiet, especially on the lower stretches of the river. In contrast, some of the private camps further were doing well. The water had been high, but was starting to get to a decent level by Tuesday of this week, but more rain on the way could quickly change that. Ray Kokkonen did pick up a salmon Tuesday.
Flies of choice were any flies with orange such as Ally’s Shrimps. L.T. Specials, Orange Bugs and the Orange Colbon.
Debbie Norton of Upper Oxbow Outdoor Adventures on the Little Southwest Miramichi said they were catching some fish. A group from the Big Salmon River near St. Martins, NB did catch three grilse and a 15-pound salmon. Some were Fall fish with hook-bills. The water was still high on Tuesday, but fishable. However, more rain is in the forecast.
Flies of choice were Yellow-winged Butterflies, Ally’s Shrimps and even a Cosseboom.
So providing we are not heavily dumped upon with a deluge, take time to get out and “on the water”.
Don’t forget to show your support for our sponsors, because without them, this column would not be possible.
Visit Deals 4 U in Miramichi for your grocery needs, and good Cuban cigars to celebrate getting back to the rivers.
Providing quality gear for the outdoor enthusiast all year round, Pronature in Miramichi has you covered. Stop in to check out their rods, reels, tackle and gear.
Fishing Packages are available at the newly renovated Days Inn in Miramichi, located in the heart of downtown Miramichi, just steps from the mighty Miramichi River.
Thought for the Week: “I’ve gone fishing thousands of times in my life, and I have never once felt unlucky or poorly paid for those hours on the water.” William Tapply A Fly-Fishing Life
From the MSA:
Hi All
On Friday the Miramichi Salmon Conservation Centre was visited by Honourable Gail Shea, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, and Tilly O’Neill Gordon, the MP for Miramichi. Mrs. Shea was here to announce the Government of Canada contribution to support a 2 year salmon habitat restoration project entitled Improving Access to Critical Spawning Habitat for Wild Salmon Within the Miramichi River Watershed, funded under the Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Program. The government will be contributing ~ $51,000 over the 2 years with MSA matching funding. The project includes the identification and opening up/breaching of in-stream spawning obstructions. Work on the project will begin next week when MSA biologist Alex Parker will begin flying the watershed and identifying beaver dams and other natural obstructions that will need to be breached or removed. I would like to thank everyone that turned out for the announcement. The Telegraph Journal posted a great story today and it can be found at http://www.miramichisalmon.ca/clearing-the-way-for-miramichi-river-salmon/.
DNR is again holding their contest to inspire anglers to complete and submit an Angling Card at the end of the season. The contest is open to all anglers with a valid 2013 New Brunswick recreational fishing licence (excluding day adventure licences), who take time to submit their angling survey information.
- Anglers may provide their information by completing and returning the survey card found in the centre of the Fish 2013 regulations summary book OR by using the electronic form found at www.gnb.ca/naturalresources.
- Anglers who wish to be included in the draw MUST provide their name and contact information when submitting their fishing information.
- Anglers are encouraged to use the electronic form to submit and update their fishing information periodically.
- Each angler who submits information will be entered in the draw only once.
- Anglers must provide their information no later than the end of November if they wish to be included in the draw.
The prize draw will take place at the end of the 2013 angling season. Names will be drawn electronically with prizes awarded consecutively based on the order in which names were drawn. The first name drawn will be given their choice of the two available fishing rods – a Sage Fly Rod or a Shimano Spinning Rod and Reel. The second name drawn will be awarded the remaining rod. The next 15 names drawn will receive a resident angling licence valid for 2014.
The Autumn edition of the Atlantic Salmon Journal arrived today and includes a 5 page spread on the high school fly fishing clubs gathering here at the hatchery in South Esk on May 31st followed by a day of fishing on the Southwest Miramichi near Blackville. The story includes some great pictures of the students here in South Esk and on the river.
The Cassilis and Millerton traps were tied up most of last week due to the high water. The barriers continue to collect fish with a total of 356 salmon at the Northwest barrier – a 30% increase over the same time last year; and the Dungarvon Barrier had 417 salmon, a 73% increase over last year’s number.
This year we plan on collecting more broodstock than in the past as we are ramping up our stocking program in the face of low returns. The high water will determine our collection schedule but continue to check the website if you are interested in volunteering. Our electrofishing was also put on hold last week due to high water but we will be resuming this week aiding DFO in their annual survey.
With all of the rain we have been experiencing we thought you may be interested in the DNR Fire Centre’s weather station reports. Weather is reported hourly and includes temperature and 24 hour rain fall. This can be found at http://www1.gnb.ca/0079/FireWeather/FireWeatherHourly-e.asp?Stn=all.
Thanks for your continued support.
Atlantic Salmon Federation News
Friday, Sept. 6, 2013
ASF RIVERNOTES – A positive salmon picture emerging
ASF RIVERNOTES BLOG has been updated, and as the season comes into autumn, there is a certain optimism for the runs this year. Read more.
ASF’s Research blog has a surprise finding on the migration of an Atlantic salmon with pop-up satellite tag.
Ireland at an Atlantic Salmon Crossroads
A massive salmon farm is being proposed by one branch of the Irish Government that will more than double Ireland’s farmed salmon production, and that has brought a groundswell of opposition that is now coming together as more organizations and individuals realize how important wild salmon and clean waters are to the country. Read more:
The Sea Lice Caper – One aspect of the opposition to the Galway Bay site was an article published in July that said sea lice had little impact on wild Atlantic salmon. Very quickly other scientists showed the errors in the methodology of the study, and that sea lice, at high levels from aquaculture sites, killed a third of all salmon smolts.
Most recently, the European Anglers Alliance, representing 3 million anglers, has called for control of salmon farming, and a drive towards land-based closed-containment production
Land-based Aquaculture Workshop Breaking New Ground
In West Virginia this week, scientists and aquaculturists from 14 countries have gathered to share the latest advances in land-based aquaculture, and to see what is happening in the new commercial ventures now in operation.
Newfoundlanders Attending Land-based Workshop
The government of Newfoundland has sent a representative from the Aquaculture Development Division to the workshop in West Virginia, a welcome development. Read more:
Atlantic Salmon Federation News
Friday, Sept. 11, 2013
ASF RIVERNOTES – Salmometers Available Again
ASF RIVERNOTES Blog details the latest salmon returns, including interesting perspectives on the Southwest Miramichi and Cascapedia. Plus ASF’s plasticized Salmometers are available again.
ASF Research Blog – The researchers were on the Baie des Chaleurs yesterday, reclaiming data receivers. Every day is full. Read more
Salmon Restoration Research Conference to be Blogged
Next Wed. and Thurs. ASF is hosting an international workshop on “What Works and What Doesn’t” and interesting facets will be blogged as they are discussed. Read details and bookmark the blog address:
Response to Comments on the Conne River
Comments have been made about the wild salmon rivers co-existing with salmon farms, and ASF has taken the opportunity to set the record straight.
Wild Atlantic Salmon Have Lost a Great Friend – Donal C. O’Brien Jr.
He was an important force in seeing ASF’s marine tracking and Penobscot projects get off the ground, and in promoting live release among anglers during his many years as U.S. Chairman of ASF.
From the Atlantic Salmon Museum
Hello Everyone,
The time is upon us again for our annual Hall of Fame Fundraising Dinner. The Hall of Fame dinner is the most important fundraiser that we have every year. I am including the Press Release for your review. Please spread the word and pass these details on to any contacts that you have. For further information or to book tickets please call the museum.
Jenny Colford, Manager
Atlantic Salmon Museum, 263 Main Street, Doaktown, NB E9C 1A9
2013 Miramichi Salmon Museum Inc. Hall of Fame Press Release
The Atlantic Salmon Museum in Doaktown, New Brunswick, will host its annual ‘Hall of Fame Award Banquet’ on Saturday, September 14th. For those attending the dinner, there will be an open house at the Atlantic Salmon Museum from 4 – 5 p.m. followed by a ‘meet and greet’ reception at 5 p.m. in the Doaktown Curling Club.
A buffet style dinner including beef, salmon and fiddleheads will be served at the Curling Club at 6 p.m. The price for this special event is $75, and a tax receipt for $40 will be issued. A limited number of tickets are available, and they go quickly.
During the banquet, there will be a live auction of 2014 donated fishing waters plus much more. Please call (506) 365-7787 to pay for your ticket or stop by the Museum, 263 Main Street in Doaktown.
Inductees for 2013 include:
DAVID ADAMS RICHARDS of Newcastle, NB, has grown up on the Miramichi and has been fishing his entire life. David has written 20 books to date, including “Lines on the Water”, a non-fiction book about fishing on the Miramichi. He has won most of the Canadian literary awards including the Governor General’s Award in 1998. David will be inducted in the ANGLER and WRITER CATEGORY.
VIVIAN HARRIS-ASTLE of Wayerton, NB, began her career in the salmon fishing industry in 1987 as a cook’s helper at the Miramichi Fish and Game Club on the Northwest Miramichi River. Vivian worked primarily at Camp Adams for the next 14 seasons. In 1988, Vivian was promoted to Camp Cook and then to Camp Manager in 2001 when she began her 12 season career as a guide and warden. In total, Vivian has been employed by the Miramichi Fish and Game Club for 26 seasons. Vivian will be inducted in the GUIDE and CAMP MANAGER CATEGORY.
DIEPPE FLY TYING CLUB of Dieppe, NB, was founded in 1999 when several dedicated fly fishermen in the Moncton/Dieppe area created a club for local fly tiers/fishermen. The club originally started with only men, but has grown to include many women and children. The Dieppe Fly Tying Club has been involved in many projects that have assisted several non–profit organizations to raise funds to help salmon research and aid conservation efforts. The Dieppe Fly Tying Club will be inducted into the FLY TYER and CONSERVATIONIST CATEGORY.
Until next week

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.