Exhibition with Conrad Légère in Miramichi
From June 25th to August 25th 2013, the Galerie Artcadienne located at the Carrefour Beausoleil in Miramichi, NB presents the exhibition Expressions of life in the heart of the Atlantic/ Expressions de la vie au cœur de l’Atlantique from the artist Conrad Légère.
Originally from Caraquet, Conrad favours the medium of oil painting on canvas mainly based on a collection of personal photos. He finds inspiration from the realistic outdoor scenes of his environment and likes to relive in his paintings countrymen and picturesque landscapes, farms and old houses of the Acadian Peninsula and the Atlantic provinces. Marine scenes, showcasing boats and lighthouses with the sea in the background are key elements that recur in many of his paintings.
Conrad is mainly self-taught, but in the past he also studied with Jean Patenaude and Régine Mallet, who helped him to pursue his dream of becoming a realist painter.
Painting occupies most of his time and he paints daily in the gallery “Sous les arbres” (Under the trees), located just steps from his home in Caraquet.
Painting for Conrad is a moment of relaxation and a means of escape. He also runs the regions with camera in hand to capture the beautiful scenery.
For more information visit his website at conradlegere.com.
Conrad Légère’s exhibition runs until August 25, 2013. The Galerie Artcadienne is open weekdays and closed on the weekend. Their hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:15 am to 5 pm and Wednesday from 8:15 am to 8 pm. Admission is free. The gallery is located at 300 Beaverbrook Road. For more information telephone (506)627 4125.

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