NB Trauma Program Update
The NB Trauma Program is successfully furthering its mission to provide excellence in trauma care, injury prevention, education and research through the development and implementation of initiatives designed to improve trauma services within the province.
New Brunswick’s trauma program is a new kind of trauma system. It differs from traditional trauma systems recognizing that both urban and rural hospitals contribute to trauma care, and that Ambulance New Brunswick (ANB) is an essential part of the system. It also recognizes that community interest groups are key to our success.
The NB Trauma Program is proud of the role it plays in trauma care, education and prevention in the province. Some of its recent accomplishments include:
· An enhancement to the existing Field Trauma Triage Guidelines – the tool that allows ANB paramedics across the province to transport major trauma patients directly to trauma centres best suited to meet the needs of the patient.
· The release of A Framework for the Unintentional Injury in New Brunswick (2012), a joint effort between the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health and the NB Trauma Program. The Framework’s intent is to engage more New Brunswickers in targeted prevention programs, including action on the broader determinants of health and injury. A copy of the Framework is available at www.nbtrauma.ca.
· Updates to The Provincial Trauma Transfer Guidelines to enhance the NB Trauma Program’s Toll-Free Trauma Referral System. This helps physicians care for trauma patients more effectively and efficiently by ensuring access to expertise and timely transfers for patients requiring advanced trauma care.
“Trauma care is available at all New Brunswick hospitals, with most having been designated as trauma centres,” said Dr. Marcel Martin, Medical Director of the NB Trauma Program. “We continue to work closely with our partners and the community to support the highest quality patient care and diminish the burden of injury.”

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