Festival of Tall Ships to be Largest Ever in Province

Sorca, 67 feet, Home Port: Lunenburg, NS
The City of Miramichi officially announced that the New Brunswick Festival of Tall Ships on the Miramichi will take place on the weekend of May 31st to June 2nd, 2013.
Mayor Gerry Cormier was pleased to announce that up to 10 tall ships will be sailing up the Miramichi River and docking at one of three wharves located in the city.
“We are very excited with the number of tall ships that will be participating in the festival, making it the largest ever gathering of tall ships in New Brunswick,” Mayor Cormier said. “Miramichi will be the only port of call on the east coast this summer for these vessels. Our city looks forward to welcoming the thousands of people expected to attend this three day event.”
Derek Burchill, Chair of the committee organizing the Tall Ship Festival, provided an overview of the activities that will be taking place, in addition to tours of the ships.

Hindu, 73 feet, Home Port: Key West, Florida
“We just received confirmation last week that the HMCS Summerside of the Royal Canadian Navy will be visiting Miramichi during the festival. This is a maritime coastal defence vessel based out of CFB Halifax. It will lead the flotilla of tall ships up the river on Friday, May 31st. Ron Casey, Tall Ship Coordinator, has been working with the tall ships’ representatives over the past few months to secure appearance contracts. This process is going very well.”
Attracting sponsorship and partners is ongoing. The major sponsor is 99.3 The River and Maritime Broadcasting System. The local radio station, along with other stations in the Maritimes will be providing updates and advertising for the festival. Their significant contribution will certainly help with getting the word out about the tall ships visit.
Other sponsors to date include Beaubear Credit Union, Northumberland Dairy, Peggy McLean/Mortgage Alliance, Rodd Miramichi River Hotel, Towne Ford, Taylor Digital Imaging and Morada Holiday Resort.

HMCS Summerside, 181.43 feet, Homeport: CFB Halifax, NS
Partners include the Government of Canada, New Brunswick Tourism, Heritage & Culture, Downtowns Miramichi, Miramichi Chamber of Commerce, NBCC Miramichi Campus and Friends of Beaubears Island. These partnerships will assist with marketing, providing activities for visitors, volunteers and other financial and in-kind services.
Other activities planned as part of the weekend are puppet shows aboard the tall ship Sorca, local entertainment on board all the ships, public sailings on the Liana Ransom, helicopter rides, Miramichi Art Core’s paint out, local boat tours and special events on Beaubears Island.
“We encourage everyone to check out the web page www.miramichi.org/en/visting/tallships.asp, like us on Facebook at nbtallships and follow us on Twitter @NBTallShips to keep up to date on all the events that will be taking place during the New Brunswick Festival of Tall Ships on the Miramichi,” added Burchill. “Anyone who would like to get involved with the festival please contact us.”

Liana Ransom, 85 feet
Friday May 31, 2013
4pm Grand Parade of Sail up the Miramichi River
4 – 8pm Two helicopters flying up and down the river giving tours
5:30pm Re-enactment of the 1812 war
6pm Ships dock at the three wharfs in Miramichi
7:30 – 10pm Sponsor/ships crew and invited guests to the Gala reception.
Saturday June 1, 2013
10am – 5pm Ships open dockside tours $10 pass or $35/ family allows participants on board all ships and listen to some great local entertainment (more details to follow).

Lynx, 122 feet, Home Port: Newport Beach, California
10am – 8pm Two Helicopters flying up and down the river giving tours of the ships from the air
Entertainment on the Waterfront all day
Puppet Shows of the 1812 War by the Da PoPo Theatre group, four shows on each day
10am, 12 noon, 2 pm, 4pm, 7pm Sails on the river with Tall Ship Liana Ransom, also boat tours with Miramichi River Boat Tours
7 – 9pm Sponsor receptions aboard selected Tall Ship
9pm The Burning ships, a re-enactment of the 1812 war
Beaubears Island Shipbuilding National Historical Site of Canada will be open from 10am to 5pm both days. They will have the boat in the water to take visitors to the site.

Peacemaker, 150 feet, Home Port: Brunswick, Georgia
The Miramichi Art Core classes of about 30 artists are going to come and set up on the wharfs and be painting the ships each day.
Sunday June 2, 2013
10am- 5pm Ships open dockside tours $10 pass or $35/ family allows participants on board all ships
10am – 8pm Two Helicopters flying up and down the river giving tours of the ships from the air
Entertainment on the Waterfront all day
10am,12 noon, 2pm, 4pm, 7pm sails on the river with Tall Ship Liana Ransom, also boat tours with Miramichi River Boat Tours
1pm Re-enactment of the 1812 was with the Longboats from Shelburne, NS
6pm Ships will depart for the Great Lakes

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.