Peace & Love, A Poem by Paula Grattan
Anger surrounds me
Frustration too so clear
Indifference, Indifference
Drowning in Indifference
Why don’t they care?
Shouldn’t they care?
I do, I do
Will you care with me?
Friend come with me
Hold my hand
We’ll walk through a field
Look at the beauty around us
Friend come with me
Hold my hand
We’ll walk through a field
Look at what we’re doing
I don’t know what to do
How do I make them see
This world is ours
We destroy it
We desert it
We abandon it
Fix yourself Mother Earth
Mother Nature …
Fight your wars
While we create our own
Peace big brother
Peace my mother
Peace little sister
Peace my father …
Peace, Peace,
Is there such a thing
Peace, Peace,
I’m scared it doesn’t exist
Indifference, Indifference
Drowning in Indifference
Don’t you care?
Come care with me …
Won’t you come and care with me?
Break down the walls
Fight for peace …
Fight with words
Fight with attitudes
Fight with ideas
Throw down your guns
Throw out your arms …
Love big brother
Love my Mother
Love little sister
Love my father
Peace and love
Oh peace and love
Idealistic but true
It can happen if we make it
It can happen if we allow it
Peace and love
Peace and love
My true ideals
Peace and love …
– Paula Grattan, Miramichi NB
This post was submitted by Paula Grattan.

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