Tis the Season for Christmas Events on the River
Tis the season for Christmas concerts, parades and tree lightings! Communities throughout the Miramichi region are planning their holiday events and activities and we’re bringing them to you on Mighty Miramichi’s events calendar.
The Doaktown Fire Dept will be helping Santa hand out treats on Monday, December 10 at 7 pm following the tree lighting ceremony and carol singing that begins at 6:30 pm adjacent to the Doaktown Fire Hall (Main Street). All are welcome.
Helping Others at Christmas Concert: MLA Jake Stewart & Friends will entertain you on Saturday, December 8 (2:00 – 5:00 pm) at the Doaktown Legion. Admission: A non-perishable food item or monetary donation. All proceeds going to the Central New Brunswick Self-Help to support their work in our communities and especially to help with their Christmas boxes. Hope to see you there!
There will be a Breakfast with Santa held on Saturday, December 8 at the Father AA McKinnon Hall in Blackville from 7:00am to 11:00am. The cost is $5 for adults and $3 for children under the age of 12. Breakfast includes bacon, eggs, hash browns, toast, juice, tea and coffee.
The Santa Claus Parade of Lights will be held on Saturday, December 8 at 5:00pm in Blackville. Line up will be at Busy Tots Daycare at 4:30pm. Please note there is a change in route this year. The parade will go directly up Main Street beginning at Busy Tots and ending at the Community Centre. Santa will be passing out treats at the Community Centre immediately following the parade. There will also be free hot chocolate and hot dogs.
Whooper Spring Players of Blackville will be presenting their Annual Dinner Theatre on December 8 & 9th at the United Church Center, 143 Main St., Blackville. The evening begins with a traditional turkey dinner at 6pm followed by the two-act play “Christmas in Connecticut”. Tickets are $25 per person, reserved seating only.
The annual Christmas Program for St. Raphael’s Catechism children will take place on Sunday, December 16 at 6:00 pm at the church. Parents and families are invited over to the hall afterwards for refreshments and a visit from Santa Claus.
New Life United Pentecostal Church Christmas Presentation: Join us for a wonderful evening of singing, drama skits, children’s presentations, “Bethlehem Times” Production, and you won’t want to miss our Special Guests! Fudge, chocolate, treat bags and more. December 16 at 6:30 in Blackville.
The Annual Candlelight Parade will take place on Monday, December 17 at 7pm along Main Street in Blackville. Everybody is asked to meet at the corner of Main Street and Shaffers Lane (old Police Station). Bring a candle (real or battery operated). Participants will walk up Main Street while singing Christmas carols, to the outdoor nativity scene at St. Raphael’s Church, and then on to Father AA McKinnon Hall for refreshments and a light lunch. All faiths welcome.
The Blackville School Elementary Christmas Program will be held on Tuesday, December 18 at 9am in the school gymnasium. In case of storm, the date will be Wednesday, December 19.
Miramichi Valley Church presents the 6th Annual “Lights of Christmas” Musical on Thursday, December 20 at 7:00pm in New Bandon. Featuring MVC Choir with singing and acting by Miramichi Valley youth and children. Christmas cookies and hot apple cider. Everyone welcome. Free will offering in support of Gospel for Asia Christmas.
Hillside Church presents the 2nd Annual “Lights of Christmas” Musical on Sunday, December 23 at 6:30pm. Featuring MVC Choir with singing and acting by Hillside youth and children. Christmas cookies and hot apple cider. Everyone welcome to attend. Free will offering in support of Gospel for Asia Christmas.
Would you like to be in the company of friends for Christmas Dinner? The Doaktown United Church will once again be hosting dinner on Tuesday, December 25 starting at 1:00 pm at our Church Hall and would welcome anyone who doesn’t want to spend that day alone. However, it’s easier to prepare if we have an idea of how many people will be attending so, if you’re interested in joining us, please call Maureen Betts at 365-4675.
New Year’s Eve Dance: Monday, December 31 (10:00 pm – 1:00 am) at the Doaktown Legion. Music by DJ Wayne “Bammer” Barton. Admission: $10.
New Year’s Levee co-hosted by Doaktown Village Council and Legion Branch #23 on Tuesday, January 1 (2:00 – 5 pm). Music provided by Bill Mullin and friends.
Click here for a full list of upcoming holiday events. Submit your events for FREE at mightymiramichi.com!
Previous events
There will be the Illumination of the Lights at the Queen Elizabeth Park on November 22nd at 6:00 pm. In addition to the lighting the Newcastle Business District will be hosting horse drawn sleigh / wagon rides.
Our Lady of the Annunciation Catholic Church in Doaktown is hosting Jesus is the Reason for the Season Christmas Concert on Saturday, November 24th at 7:00 PM to celebrate with Christmas and Christian Music joined by other choirs and individuals from the Miramichi to Boiestown and followed by refreshments and fellowship. Cost by donation.
The Village of Rogersville will be hosting their Christmas Parade on December 2 at 5:30pm.
The Village of Neguac will hold its Annual Lighting of the Christmas Tree Ceremony, Sunday December 2nd at 6 p.m. at the Richelieu Municipal Park, followed by a gathering in the Church basement. There will be sweets and hot chocolate. Santa will stop by to give a present to the children. For information: 776-3950.
St. Mark’s United Church will be having a Christmas Musical on Sunday, December 2 at 7pm. Performances by St. Mark’s and Bethel United choirs along with special guests: St. Stephen’s Presbyterian Hand Bells, Rev. Dale Greer and Katelyn Estey. Refreshments to follow.

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