Two Poems for Granddad by Paula Grattan
You are a part of me
our bloodlines connect
For that I love you
I yearn for a relationship
To know more about you,
our family
My father
your only son
You are here
yet if it were not for
stories told, I would
know nothing of you
I want to proudly carry
Our family name
but for who, for what
My heart breaks
for what we will never have
Always Loved
I didn’t know how much I loved you
Until it was too late
I’m sorry for all the time that passed
that we didn’t really know each other
Granddad, oh my Granddad
how you will be missed
Granddad, oh my Granddad
I’d give anything
to have one more day
just to say I love you
to make sure you knew
I loved you
I was ungrateful
for what we did have
always wanting more
never realizing
That I had more than some
an honourable man
a charitable man
a loving man
you’ll be missed by many
and always loved …
* The top poem titled “Granddad” was written while Paula’s grandfather was still living. The second poem, “Always Loved” was written the day after his passing. She put a copy in his jacket pocket to be buried with him.
Paula Grattan of Miramichi, NB is a 33 year old stay at home mom to a two year old girl. She says, “I’ve been writing my entire life. It’s my soul.”

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.