Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, June 28, 2012
Rain on this past weekend, and more this week, certainly helped river conditions, adding oxygen to the water and raising the levels to spring high, or even higher. Although a bit too much water for the present, it should be very beneficial for the rivers in the next couple of weeks, and should bring in very good numbers of fish. Prior to the latest rain, the trap-nets at Millerton and Cassilis were averaging about 8-12 grilse a day and a few salmon.
In the area of “unusuals”, Mark Hambrook of the MSA hatchery in South Esk said that five juvenile Stripped Bass about a foot long were caught near the Mouth of the Cains this week. There was also a sturgeon caught in a gaspereaux net as well.

Galen Knowles with a fresh grilse
Doug White’s Tammerack Sports Fly Shop in Juniper said the river is up and still rising. At this rate it will take several days for the water to drop to proper levels. Although the fishing is slow, the anticipation is running high as everyone waits the new run. There have been a couple of fish caught as well as several sightings, and the North Branch counter has recorded a few new arrivals. All in all with last season being an exceptional year everything thing seems to be running par for the course, after all it is still June with our main fishing beginning in July.
Flies of choice are Green Machines with white tail, Butterflies and various wet flies as each has his or her favorites.
W. W. Doak and Sons in Doaktown said the water levels were way up and fish were moving, and there was a general level of enthusiasm about going to the river again. The high levels of water may be bad in the short term, but they bode well for the long stretch. Some fish were caught last Saturday and Sunday as well as a few Monday, but in no great concentrations with success being had only here and there.
Flies of choice were White-tailed Green Machines, Undertakers, Same-Thing-Murrays, Butterflies and Cossebooms on nos. 6 & 4s, but maybe even larger now, and definitely big and bright.
Derek Munn of Ledges Inn in Doaktown and Mountain Channel in the Rapids area said there is definitely lots of water around now. “We’ve gone from one extreme to the other. But better too high than too low, especially for the fish”, said Munn. They were catching a few fish every day prior to the rain, averaging two to three a day. When the water begins to drop, he expects really good fishing.
Flies of choice were Blue Charms, Undertakers, White-tailed Green Machines and Preachers. With this water, make sure they are BIG.
Herb Barry Sr. of Herb’s Fly Shop on the Station Road in Blackville said angling had been slow prior to the rain with only the odd fish being hooked. The water had risen over a foot by Tuesday afternoon, and is quite a bit higher by now. “We’re looking at water in the alders again”, said Barry. Barry felt this coming week should produce some good angling
Flies of choice were White-tailed Green Machines, Shady Ladies, Preachers, Undertakers and Same-Thing-Murrays on no. 4 hooks or even bigger with the rain.
Curtis Miramichi River Outfitting in Blackville said anglers were not catching many fish before the rain started on Tuesday, and not many since as the water is way up, and getting even higher. There had been some fish moving through on Saturday and Sunday, but they were not taking well. There is now lots of water for canoers, and even motorboats for that matter. The annual “Splash-Down” canoe-run goes this Saturday from the Mouth of the Cains to the park in Blackville.
Flies of choice were White-tailed Green Machines, Undertakers and Green-butt Bear Hairs.
George Routledge of George’s Fly Shop at the Mouth of Renous in Quarryville said the Renous was up five feet, and the island at the Mouth of Renous was covered with only the tips of the bushes showing. He said there was no chance of fishing before Saturday at the earliest. One report said that anglers couldn’t even get near the river itself at the Colpaugh pool area. George predicted good fishing once the water drops.
Flies of choice were “the biggest ones you have, including spring streamers”.
Jim Laws of Miramichi Hunting and Fishing in Newcastle, Miramichi reported slow angling before the rain, and definitely slow until the water begins to drop. He’d heard of good numbers of fish being seen in the Bay, and felt that this rain would finally bring them in in good numbers.
Flies of choice were White-tailed Green Machines, Undertakers and Shady Ladies. A few were also asking for flies with orange and white before the rains. Until the rivers drop, bigger hook sizes are in order.
Syd Matchett of Trout Brook Fly Shop on the Northwest Miramichi said anglers had hooked a few fish last Sunday before the recent rain. Syd had lost one and had seen a couple, but they were not taking well. The river had come up close to 2 feet by Tuesday evening, and we received a lot of rain since then. Syd said angling should be good after the water drops off some. It was reported that at least one angler thought the Wayerton Bridge had been moved to below Trout Brook as he was not too concerned about losing a grilse as “I would have to put it back anyway”.
Flies of choice were White-tailed Green Machines, Yellow Butterflies on no. 6 hooks, but with the higher water, Syd suggested White-tailed Green Machines, Yellow Butterflies and Black Ghosts on no. 4 and even no. 2 hooks.
Debbie Norton of Upper Oxbow Outdoor Adventures on the Little Southwest Miramichi said Geoff Giffin had caught a beauty of a grilse on a Christmas Tree on Monday before the water came up. But generally, it had been slow. She felt the rain would really stir thing up and cool the water which should produce some good fishing when the water drops. Even with the rain last week, they were able to use their 26-foot Restigouche canoe with a 9.9 motor. Now they could use their spring boats. She felt this latest rain should tide the river over until least mid July. Tubing conditions are very good.
Flies of choice were Christmas Trees, Green Machines with Bunny Fur and anything with lots of glitter.

Henry Reusch with a nice Mountain Channel salmon
So with lots of water, and a little period to let it drop off, it is a good time to get out and “on the water”.
Don’t forget to show your support for our sponsors, because without them, this column would not be possible.
Check out Deals 4 U in Miramichi for your grocery needs, and good Cuban cigars to celebrate getting back to the rivers.
Drop in Bryant Freeman’s Eskape Anglers in Riverview to stock up on streamers for spring angling as well as any other equipment you may need such as a Reddington Rod.
Miramichi City Surplus on the outskirts of Miramichi in the Lower Derby road offers a nice range of rods, reels, tackle, bait and other outdoors supplies and hunting needs. Be sure to also bring along your recyclables.
Thought for the Week: “The fisherman’s golden rule: the one that got away is always bigger than the one you gotta weigh.”….anonymous
RIVER-LORE: Syd Matchett said oldtimers always said: Fish bite best when wind is west, Fish bite least when wind is east
Hi Doug,
I intended to send this message early enough for your report but just didn’t get around to it, sorry!!!
My son ,Darren Bishop and Grandson Andrew Bishop, Dean Magarvey and I had Stoney Brook on the North west Miramichi on June 16, 17, and 18. Saturday evening saw no fish, Sunday morning, saw no fish ,Sunday evening saw one grilse in camp pool, and no luck moving him. Sunday morning the same grilse was in the same place, and we rolled him 4 to 5 times but he would only nose the fly.
A little later in the morning my son Darren hooked a nice grilse in the centre of the pool on a green Cosseboom and my grandson , 11 years old played and released it. A few minutes later I hooked a nice grilse in the same spot of the camp pool and my grandson played and released it on the same green Cosseboom.
At about 10 a. m. we observed five different big salmon entering the pool, but they would not even rise for the fly. The water was very low but with the cool nights, it just goes to show you that fish will still travel in low water. That’s enough for now. I just thought you would like to hear about this!!!!!!
Tight lines,
Dave Bishop, Quispamsis N.B.
Hope you enjoy a post on my trip to the Miramichi a few weeks ago: http://theriverscourse.blogspot.com/2012/06/june-fun-on-miramichi.html
Best,Gary Tanner
2012 Miramichi Salmon Museum Inc. Hall of Fame Press Release
World Famous Respected Angler & Fisherwoman one of four women to be honored!
The Atlantic Salmon Museum, Doaktown, N.B. will host its annual ‘Hall of Fame Award Banquet’ on Saturday, September 15th. There will be an open house at the Atlantic Salmon Museum from 4pm to 5pm for those attending the dinner. This will be followed with a ‘meet & greet reception’ at 5:00 pm at the Doaktown Curling Club. A buffet style dinner of beef, salmon & fiddleheads etc. will be served at 6:00 pm. The price for this special event is $75.00. A tax receipt will be issued for $40.00. A limited number of tickets are available and they go quickly! There will be a live auction of 2013 donated fishing waters & much more. Please call 506 365 7787 to pay for your ticket or stop by the museum at 263 Main St., Doaktown.
Inductees for 2012 are as follows.
JOAN SALVATO WULFF of Lew Beach, New York captured her first casting title in 1938 and has been winning honours & catching fish ever since. She is known and respected around the world as a superb fly caster, fisherwoman and teacher. Joan enjoys sharing her angling skills with people of all ages. We were fortunate to have Joan spend a day at the Salmon Museum teaching the children in our Come Play on Our River summer camp the art of angling. Joan will be inducted in the ANGLER CATEGORY.
LEE WULFF of Brooklyn, New York (deceased), was one of the world’s best known and most respected sports fishermen, as well as an author, lecturer, artist and film maker. Mr. Wulff’s contributions to fly fishing were fundamental and diverse. He probably did more than any other angler to popularize dry fly fishing for salmon, and his Wulff series of hair-wing dry flies were among those of that genre that revolutionized salmon fishing on this side of the Atlantic. Lee will be inducted in the ANGLER CATEGORY.
CLINTON & DAISY NORRAD of Hayesville, NB have operated the very successful Clearwater Brook Camp for the past 50 years or more. Clint started as Camp Manager and Daisy’s meals were always as memorable as the fishing experience. As true stewards and promoters of the Miramichi, this couple is well known as great ambassadors of the river. Clint’s status as a true traditional salmon guide is legendary. Clint will be inducted in the CAMP MANAGER & OUTFITTER CATEGORY. Daisy will be inducted in the CAMP COOK CATEGORY.
RENATE BULLOCK of Boiestown, NB, has made many friends as an excellent guide since 1986. She is a fly tyer extraordinaire and has flies published in several books. Renate has the honour of being the first woman angler granted a Miramichi Salmon Association life membership. Renate will be inducted in the FLY TYER and CONSERVATIONIST CATERGORY.
DEBBIE NORTON of Upper Oxbow, NB, is actively involved in the conservation of the Atlantic salmon for the Northwest Miramichi River. She works closely with the First Nation communities, conservation associations, non-governmental organizations, individuals and the private sector, to adopt a common philosophy and approach to the conservation of the Atlantic salmon. Debbie will be inducted in the CONSERVATIONIST & OUTFITTER CATEGORY.
Linda Gaston
Executive Director
Miramichi Salmon Museum Inc.
Atlantic Salmon Federation News
Friday, June 22, 2012
ASF Rivernotes, detailing conditions on Atlantic salmon rivers, has been updated to June 22. Fascinating material.
Watch Real-time Progress of At-Sea Salmon Tracker
A Wave Glider, depending on wave action for propulsion, is now active in the waters west of Newfoundland. Follow its real-time progress. Link from top of ASF’s Smolt Tracking Research Project Page.
Nova Scotia Offers $25 Million Support for Aquaculture Expansion
The NS government has just announced major support for Cooke Aquaculture expansion, while many are questioning the province’s lack of consultation with coastal communities and the impact on fisheries and tourism.
ISA, a contagious disease affecting Cooke Aquaculture’s netpens in NS, remains a concern. Just this week another suspected ISA case was announced.
Jim Gillespie Receives NB Award
The New Brunswick Lt. Governor’s Award was presented to Atlantic salmon conservationist Jim Gillespie recently. Read more.
To keep track of breaking news on wild Atlantic salmon, use the Atlantic Salmon Federation’s presence on Facebook. Log in, search for Atlantic Salmon Federation, and click “like”.
Hi All
The Miramichi Salmon Association new website has been live for a couple of weeks now – please visit us at www.miramichisalmon.ca. News is added regularly and please drop by at least once a week to take part in our poll.
The MSA Salmon Classic is being held again this year. The Classic opens with registration and a banquet at the Rodd Miramichi on Sunday July 8th. Fishing begins Monday morning and continues to Wednesday. Registration deadline is July 3rd – $350 fee includes banquet, guided fishing at five different pools on the tributaries of the Miramichi, and lunches Monday to Wednesday. On Monday afternoon after lunch there will be Spey casting lessons available at no cost. David Henley will be demonstrating and will have a dozen extra Spey rods so everyone can try it. If you would like to join us for the Classic please contact me by e-mail or phone 506-622-4000. If you can’t join us for the fishing but would like to attend the banquet, tickets can be purchased for $50 each. The banquet will be held on Sunday July 8th – reception at 5:00; dinner at 7:00; raffles, silent auctions and live auction will be held during the evening. Hope to see you there.
Sturgeon caught in Miramichi River
By Miramichi Salmon Association on June 27, 2012 |
Gaspereaux fishermen got a surprise when what is believed to be a sturgeon showed up in their net last week.

Sturgeon caught in gaspereaux net on Miramichi this past week
Northwest and Dungarvon Barrier Reports – June 24th, 2012
By Miramichi Salmon Association on June 27, 2012 |
The reports are in from the Northwest and Dungarvon Barriers.
MSA Director to be honoured in Miramichi Salmon Museum Hall of Fame
By Atlantic Salmon Museum on June 22, 2012 | Edit
MSA Director Debbie Norton is one of four women to be inducted into the Miramichi Salmon Museum Hall of Fame.
Bass eradication continues in Miramichi waters
James Foster Times & Transcript Staff 19 Jun 2012 11:46PM
The last year of a three-year effort to get rid of a non-native species of fish from a lake which is part of the headwaters of the sensitive Miramichi River system is underway.
Until next week

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.