Call for Father’s Day Submissions
Father’s Day is coming right up on June 17th and Bread ‘n Molasses is gearing up to explore our relationships with those special men in our lives —fathers!
Have you written a short piece of fiction that celebrates fatherhood or perhaps explores the complex relationship between a father and child? Or maybe you have some funny memories or your father that you’ve jotted down in a personal memoir or poem? Has being a father influenced your singing and song writing? Perhaps you’ve recorded a song or brief video that you’d like to share? Or created a painting or series of photographs?
We’re currently accepting submissions of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, images, audio or video around the theme of “Father”. Submissions can be light and funny, complex and dark, or anywhere in between as long as they involve a father in some way. We’ll showcase a slew of your submissions on our website this Father’s Day, Sunday June 17th.
Submissions will be considered until June 14th and may be emailed to or uploaded using our online submission form.
Fiction or non-fiction stories should be no longer than 1500 words and 100 lines maximum for poems. Please include a brief author bio and photo. We will consider simultaneous submissions and reprints. Indicate that the work is being considered elsewhere or tell us where it was previously published. Copyright remains with all authors, photographers and artists.
Join us online at Bread ‘n Molasses this Father’s Day!

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.