Doug’s Fishing Report for Thursday March 29
MIRAMICHI – Here we go again with another Fly-Fishing Show this weekend in Eel Ground, but first Congratulations are in order to Jacques Heroux and the organizers of the Dieppe Fly-Tying Club for making the move to join the annual Boat Show and Outdoor Sportsman Show. Having the three combined in one place was nothing short of fabulous for all concerned. All involved from the three groups deserve a lot of credit!
Congrats to those who were successful in the Crown Reserve draws. For those not so fortunate, don’t forget the mini-draws throughout the season.
Now to this weekend. John Hawkes and Betty Ward, with a lot of help from Bradley Russell and Kelvin Simonson, have combined to host the first Eel Ground Atlantic Salmon Fly-Fishing and Sportsman Show. The event will be held at the Eel Ground Band Hall at44 Church St, Eel Ground on Friday and Saturday.
Friday begins wit5h a fly-tying demonstration/teaching for the students between 1-3 p.m. with close to 20 tyers working with the grades 5 to 8 Eel Ground Students, members of the Eel Ground Group Home, Ashley Hallihan’s Fly-Tying Club and other students from Miramichi Valley High and students from Blackville High.
From 4 to 7 p.m. the same tyers will give public demonstrations of their techniques for the public. Admission is a free-will offering.
Saturday, the show shifts to high gear from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with close to 20 tyers performing their art and selling flies. At 11 a.m., there will be an archery demonstration and at 1 p.m., Betty Ward will give Fly-Casting demonstration with instructions. DFO representatives from both Miramichi and Tracadie divisions will be in attendance along with DNR representatives. Jim Laws from Miramichi Fishing & Hunting will have a booth as will Debbie Norton with a Conservation booth. The MSA Miramichi Fish Hatchery will also be on hand as will Rae’s Trailer with 4-Wheelers and boats. I will be on hand to answer questions and have Salmon Country available for sale and signing. And don’t forget about your tummy as The Sausage Man will have his popular menu available to satisfy your needs.
John Hawkes will have his special Christmas Tree on display, one dedicated entirely to fishing.
Tickets will be available for a number of raffles. Syd Matchett of Trout Brook Fly Shop has donated a Rod & Reel, and there will also be a special raffle with a fly-box containing one fly tied by each of the tyers in attendance.
And if you love to fish (Ha, Ha) there will be tickets for a draw for a day’s Black salmon angling (Boat & Guide Included) and a day of bright Salmon angling with a guide. Both are for two anglers each, compliments of Betty Ward.
Entrance fee for Saturday is $5.00. All proceeds from the event will go toward theEelGroundSchoolfor special events and for the Eel Ground Group Home (which will also receive a fly-tying kit).
“It is a first step, but one to be followed next year with an even bigger and better event to kick off the angling season” said Hawkes.
So plan to attend and catch the angling fever, share time and stories with your outdoor buddies, pick up some flies and support a good cause!
There will be no column next week, but we will return on April 12 for an update on the fishing conditions in time for opening day.
GOOD NEWS: The provincial budget came down Tuesday and there was some good news in that the protection barriers on the Northwest Miramichi andDungarvonRiverswill be operational again this year.
I have been a subscriber to your reports since their inception a few years back. Just thought I’d let you know about a new website I launched back in Dec. It is a forum style website that is dedicated to Atlantic salmon fishing in NB. So far we have around 64 members spanning theUSA,NS,NB, and other part ofCanada. Since its birth there has been discussion in many areas such has places to fish, regulations, various salmon flies, and much more. This site in not for profit and its sole purpose is to host a place for everybody to share a common interest. As the fishing season approaches and gets going I hope the word will spread about this site and will become a wealth of information for the new and old anglers alike.
Chris Gaston
Until April 12…..
Tight Lines
Any advertisements/donations in support of this column are always welcome. Ad rates are $75 for one week, $65 for four weeks (spread out once a month or in a row), or $50 a week for the season. For more information contact Mighty Miramichi at 506-325-7668 or email

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