Miramichi Fishing Report for September 15, 2011

Generally, there are fish through out the system, but not necessarily in great numbers, and only a few fresh ones as there has not been a big fall run as of yet. Getting the fish to take is also another problem, but those who are putting in the time, are having limited success. Water levels are dropping, but generally still on the high side.

Renous River at Pineville

Renous River at Pineville

The Cassilis trapnet was averaging only a couple of fish a day while Millerton was also getting a few each day, but no significant numbers. Hatchery manager Mark Hambrook said they had started collecting brood stock on Tuesday with their first stop being the Cains River. He said there were good numbers of fish in the Cains at present. Every year about this time they also begin to take out a number of beaverdams to allow fish to get to more of their spawning grounds. This year, most of the work will focus on the Cains. The MSA is also doing their fall electro-fishing to determine juvenile populations of fry along various parts of the system in general.

W. W. Doak and Sons in Doaktown said angling was improving day by day as the water dropped. Fishing was not the bonanza it had been earlier in the summer, but there were good quantities of fish around, but not a lot of local anglers out, so there were not as many reports of fish being caught. However, there are fish to be had if one puts in the time. Most were dark with a few fresh ones. One angler landed a 41-inch male hook-bill with all of the fall markings on Tuesday.

Flies of choice were General Practitioners, Ally’s Shrimps, Same-Thing-Murrays, Copper Killers Glitter Bugs and White-tailed Green Machines along with some Bombers.

Derek Munn of Ledges Inn in Doaktown and Mountain Channel in the Rapids area said were still getting some fish, with angling picking up on Monday and Tuesday as the water dropped. It was still a bit high by late Tuesday, but fishable. The fish were there, but they were not taking well. One angler had caught a nice 22 pound female on Tuesday.

Flies of choice were Maribous, Bombers (particularly with brown and orange) and Conrads.

Herb Barry Sr. of Herb’s Fly Shop on the Station Road in Blackville said there were good numbers of fish around, but it was hard to catch them as they were not taking well. There had been four or five caught Tuesday morning, but none during the evening. The water was still a bit high, but dropping. He was told anglers were seeing some big salmon. Over all there was a good mix of salmon and grilse.

Flies of choice were Will Taylor Specials, General Practitioners, Same-Thing-Murrays, White-tailed Green Machines and some Maribous.

Curtis Miramichi River Outfitting in Blackville said anglers were catching a few fish and seeing lots, but they were hard to get to take a fly. The water was still a bit high, but getting down to near normal. The fall colours were starting to show and canoeing conditions were good.

Flies of choice were White-tailed Green Machines, Green Machines with Krystal Flash, Tippet Shrimps, Ally’s Shrimps, General Practitioners, Ally’s Cascades, Same-Thing-Murrays and Copper Killers

George Routledge of George’s Fly Shop at the Mouth of Renous in Quarryville said there were not a lot of fish around, but there were some and even the odd fresh one, but without sea lice. Anglers were getting a combined total of about four or five a day at Quarryville, with most being grilse. The water was still down a fair bit, but still on the high side.

Flies of choice were Yellow bugs, White-tailed Green Machines and a variety of fall patterns.

Jim Laws of Miramichi Hunting and Fishing in Newcastle, Miramichi reported angling picking up some as the water levels came down to fishable levels. The Northwest was having decent fishing. Most people who were coming into his shop were getting prepared for Moose, bird and deer hunting.

Flies of choice were Ally’s Shrimps, Copper Killers, L.T. Specials and General Practitioners.

Syd Matchett of Trout Brook Fly Shop on the Northwest Miramichi said angling was still decent with good numbers of salmon and grilse being hooked on the weekend. The water conditions were excellent with the water just a tad darker than normal.

Flies of choice were White-tailed Green Machines, L.T. Specials and Ally’s Shrimps.

Debbie Norton of Upper Oxbow Outdoor Adventures on the Little Southwest Miramichi said angling was tough with some places producing fish while others were not. Regardless, one had to work hard to get them to take. There were not many fresh fish and most were grilse. The water was still a bit high, but barely fishable.

Flies of choice were Red Ewes, General Practitioners, Ally’s Shrimps and Somer’s Shrimps.

So with the fall colours beginning to show, good canoeing conditions, and decent numbers of fish around, get out and “on the water”. Maybe the fall runs will start this weekend.

REMINDER: Please support the businesses which sponsor this report. They make it possible.

Check out Deals 4 U in Miramichi for your grocery needs, and a very good selection of Cuban cigars to celebrate being on the rivers. Also check out their weekly specials.

Drop into Bryant Freeman’s Eskape Anglers in Riverview to stock up on flies as well as any other equipment you may need such as a Redington Rod. Don’t forget that this is the home of The Carter’s Bug tied only the way that Bryant can tie it!  Pick up a supply of the Fall patterns while you are there.

The Moncton Fish & Game Association holds monthly meetings at the rotary lodge on the 1st Monday of the month. For information about the range, membership, etc, please call (506) 351-0799. Their annual fundraising supper is on November 26.


Thought for the Week: “Treble Hooks triple the odds of your catching a fish, but also quadruples the odds of your getting the hook caught in your thumb” Anonymous

Humour: In the winter time a young man visited a local frozen lake to learn how to ice fish. He stopped by the first ice fisherman and asked what his favorite method was. The fisherman said “I usually use small minnows. Just set up a tip-up and when the fish take the minnow a flag pops up to let you know a fish is on. Not having any luck today though.” The next ice fisherman wasn’t catching anything either. He told the young man “I use small worms or grubs and then I jig with with small shiny spoons.” He then demonstrated his jigging technique. The young man then saw an ice shanty surrounded by dozens of fish on the ice. He banged on the door and asked what the fisherman was doing so successfully. The man inside said “come on in.” There was more fish inside, but the old man fishing there had no ice fishing equipment, just a hole in the ice. The old man looked at the young man and said “promise not to tell anybody my secret?” “Okay,” said the young man. “All you got to do is cut a hole in the ice, then sprinkle some peas in the water.” “Do you mean the kind of peas that humans eat?” asked the young man. “That’s exactly right young man, and when the fish come up to take a pea you kick’em in the ice hole.”

CONDOLENCES:  On behalf of all anglers our thoughts and prayers go out to Stan and Jean Knowles upon the loss of their son Scott who also loved to fish.  The Knowles family members are anglers who love the outdoors and are fine people and friends.  Our thoughts are with you!

Atlantic Salmon Federation News
Friday, September 9, 2011

TODAY COSEWIC has released final species at risk assessments on Atlantic salmon
At noon the Final Assessment Report by COSEWIC on Canada’s Atlantic salmon populations was released, and is on the SARA (Species at Risk) Registry. ASF has links to the 182-page report, as well as background documents on the process, and where the different population segments are located:

ASF RIVER NOTES updated – latest salmon runs and water conditions
The ASF RIVER NOTES focuses on the extremely high water levels and flows – and also has an update of the “on the ground” damage to the White River hatchery in Vermont that supports salmon restoration.

When lawyers meet scientists on salmon – a video from the Cohen Commission
A lawyer for the BC Aquaculture industry cross-examines Dr. Alexandra Morton on sea lice, and suggests wild fish are impacting farmed fish.

To keep track of breaking news on wild Atlantic salmon, use the Atlantic Salmon Federation’s presence on Facebook. Log in, search for Atlantic Salmon Federation, and click “like”.

ASF’s Webworks is an updating service on the world of the wild Atlantic salmon. If you wish to be added or removed from the list, email " >asfwebworks@asf.ca

2011 Atlantic Salmon Museum – Hall of Fame – Press Release      
The Atlantic Salmon Museum, Doaktown, N.B. will host its annual “Hall of Fame Award Banquet” on Friday, September 23rd with a “meet & greet reception” at 5:30 pm followed by a traditional salmon dinner at 6:30 pm.  The price for this special event is $50.00.  A tax receipt will be issued for $25.00.  A limited number of tickets are available.  Please call 506 365 7787 to pay for your ticket or stop by the museum at 263 Main St., Doaktown.

Inductees for 2011 are as follows.

  • RAYMOND MELVIN HOVEY of Porter Cove (deceased), a very well known guide being one of the oldest guides on the Miramichi.
  • DONALD ERNEST HOVEY of Porter Cove (deceased), son of Raymond, another guide who was also a cook. Raymond & Donald will be inducted together in the GUIDE CATEGORY.
  • HEDLEY WATERTON O’DONNELL of O’Donnell Town (deceased), another well known guide who had the honour of guiding TED WILLIAMS for a couple of years.  Hedley will be inducted in the GUIDE CATEGORY.
  • DR. RICHARD SNOW (DICK) of Fredericton, a very well known personality on the river, known for fishing skills and for his strong beliefs in conservation. Dick will be inducted in the ANGLER and CONSERVATIONIST CATERGORY.
  • RUTHVEN STEWART of Truro, N.S. and formerly from Blackville, N.B.  He loved fishing the Miramichi and created a fishing fly called the Portapic Special. Ruthven will be inducted in the ANGLER CATEGORY.


Join us for our Annual “Hall of Fame Dinner” on Sept. 23rd

Tickets are now available ($50 including a $25 tax receipt)

The tickets go quickly for this event!

Reserve your ticket now & pay online at: http://www.atlanticsalmonmuseum.com/id54.html


Until next week