Upper Miramichi Forest Festival
The Rural Community of Upper Miramichi, Central NB Woodmen’s Museum, and Conservation Council of NB are proud to present the
Upper Miramichi Forest Festival
Date: Sunday, August 21st from 11am-4pm
Where: Woodmen’s Museum & UM Community Park
(6342 Route 8, Boiestown)
Tentative Schedule of Events
Miramichi River Runners Carroll’s Crossing Register @ 10 am
This 5 km walk/run begins at 430 Carroll’s Crossing Road at 11am (10:30 am for walkers). A fee of $5 is required. For more information, contact Bradley at .
Wild Blueberry Pancake Brunch Cookhouse/Kitchen 11am-1pm
Let the Museum staff and volunteers whip up a scrumptious pancake brunch for you and your family. Includes 2 large blueberry pancakes, maple syrup, ham or bacon, coffee or tea. Adult $6 or Children $4 (1 pancake).
Upper Miramichi Map Showcase Museum Cedar Room 11am-4pm
Non-Timber Forest Product & Local Vendors Museum 11am-4pm
Metepenagiag Heritage Park Museum 11am-4pm
Come and experience the “Taste of Metepenagiag Tour” as well as a demonstration of sealing a birch bark canoe with spruce gum, berry teas that you can try, and birch bark creation for the kids.
Recycling Paper Museum 11:30-12:30pm
Shingle Making Display Museum 11:30-12:30pm
UM Community Park Official Opening Park Entrance 12:30pm
The official opening of the Upper Miramichi Community Park. Come over and enjoy a stroll amongst the towering Red Pines and peaceful surroundings. Or let the kids play on the new playground equipment and games.
NB Merit Awards Park Entrance 12:45pm
Come and pay tribute to those individuals or groups that provide great volunteer services for our community with the presentation of the NB Merit Awards.
“The Saplings” Theatre Production 1st Showing 1:00-1:30pm 2nd Showing 2:30-3:00pm
Logs & Mushrooms Park 1-2pm
Scavenger Hunt for NTFPs Park 1-4pm
Sign up your 4-6 person team at the Park Entrance and receive your free Guidebook and instructions. You have the afternoon to discover the NTFPs and all teams who find all items will have a chance to win great prizes. NOTE: CAMERAS are required to “PROVE” you found your NTFPs. No harvesting allowed!
Horse Shoes & Washer Toss Park 1-4pm
Soap Making Museum 2-2:30pm
Throughout the day, videos on Community Forestry initiatives will be featured as well as face-painting, tours of the Museum grounds, and other Forest Games for the kids.
Come and enjoy a great day with your family and friends and discover the many opportunities our Forests provide.
For more information, please contact Sarah/Mary at 369-9810 or .

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