Miramichi Fishing Report for August 4, 2011
As we enter the month of August, we can normally anticipate a bit of a slow season, but this summer so far is an exception. Water levels and angling continue to be good in most places for the time of year, which is gravy for the exceptional season we’ve had so far.
With the arrival of August, the stretch of the Northwest Miramichi from the Mouth of Little River down to Wayerton Bridge is now open for the retention of grilse. All other “Hook ‘n Release” regulations remain as they were.
After a day or two of no fish, Cassilis Trapnet had seven salmon and 14 grilse on Tuesday. Millerton had slightly higher numbers.
Honourable Keith Ashfield, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans for Canada, will be visiting various spots around the province this coming week.

This salmon was hooked by Jean Paul Ouellet at Miramichi & Cains Rivers on July 28, 2011
W. W. Doak and Sons in Doaktown said over all angling was slower than last week. The water was up in the lower part of the river below the Mouth of the Cains which had received 2.5 inches of rain last Wednesday and another 1.5 on Saturday. However, it was beginning to drop some. The catch favoured grilse over salmon, but there were some of both. Water temperature was good, especially for the time of year. One angler in the Blackville area had hooked a salmon and a grilse in a short period on Sunday evening.
Flies of choice were Green Machines, White-tailed Green Machines, Shady Ladies and Undertakers on no. 4 hooks in the Blackville area and no. 6 in Doaktown.
Derek Munn of Ledges Inn in Doaktown and Mountain Channel in the Rapids area said they were catching fish each day, but in no great amounts. Mountain Channel was fishing better than the Doaktown area. Catches were mostly grilse with some salmon.
Flies of choice were wets such as Preachers and small Black Bugs Mountain Channel, while the Doaktown area was using more dry flies and Bombers with blue and white.
Herb Barry Sr. of Herb’s Fly Shop on the Station Road in Blackville said angling was good for the high water pools, but not so good behind Doctor’s Island, but over all the catching was on the positive side. One angler limited out on a variation of a Blue Charm on Monday. Herb has seen a couple of “monsters” jump, but was not able to get them to take. He did pick up his first grilse, after hooking six or seven along with some salmon. Generally there were more grilse than salmon. The Cains had also reported very good fishing.
Flies of choice were the variation of as Blue Charm, Preachers, White-tailed Green Machines and Green Rats along with Bombers such as the Killer Whiskers with green and blue butts separately.
Curtis Miramichi River Outfitting in Blackville said there were all kinds of fish around, but they were not taking well. The water was up a little, but the temperature was good. Some were even boat-fishing. Canoeing conditions were also good.
Flies of choice were White-tailed Green Machines, Green Machines with Krystal Flash, Shady Ladies, and Sugarman’s Shrimp, along with some Bombers.
George Routledge of George’s Fly Shop at the Mouth of Renous in Quarryville said angling there was very poor with only a few caught early in the mornings. The Renous River was high. There were lots of fish around and showing, but they didn’t want to take in the Quarryville area. There were few anglers out early this weekend. George felt that they all might have been fished out after the long weekend. Water temperatures were good and there were some fresh fish coming in each day.

Ginette Carriere landed this beautiful salmon Thursday morning July 28 at the mouth of the Cains with a stone fly. Great fun!
Flies of choice were White-tailed Green Machines, Green Machines, Shady Ladies and White-tailed Shady Ladies along with a few Black Ghosts and Glitter Bears.
Jim Laws of Miramichi Hunting and Fishing in Newcastle, Miramichi reported average fishing, with the water a tad high on the Northwest. However, there were decent numbers of fish around, but certainly not all fresh fish. Water temperatures were good.
Flies of choice were White-tailed Green Machines, Shady Ladies and more Dry Flies and Bomber as we enter August.
Syd Matchett of Trout Brook Fly Shop on the Northwest Miramichi said the Northwest had lots of water, and was even too high this past Sunday. Hed was out, but only raised two. David Au had fantastic fishing this past week, landing five grilse. Reports from the Crawford and Depot Crown Reserve stretches were also good. Holly Harris released a nice 16-pound plus salmon.
Flies of choice were Black Bugs with white tails, Belly Dancers, White-tailed Green Machines and Yellow Butterflies on nos. 6 & 8 hooks. Now the hook size is 4 to 6.
Debbie Norton of Upper Oxbow Outdoor Adventures on the Little Southwest Miramichi said angling had slowed drastically, but they were still picking up some fish. Seven that her sports had caught all had tags which says that there are few fresh fish coming in, and many are just going in and out with the tide. There was a good mix of salmon and grilse, and water temperatures were good, and the water high for the time of year.
Flies of choice were Will Taylor Specials, White-tailed Green Machines and Shady Ladies.
So with conditions more than acceptable for August and decent numbers of fish around, get out and “on the water”.
Don’t forget to show your support for our sponsors, because without them, this column would not be possible. If you can’t get there yourself, send your friends! Tell them you appreciate their support of the column!
Check out Deals 4 U in Miramichi for your grocery needs, and a very good selection of Cuban cigars to celebrate being on the rivers. Also check out their weekly specials.
Drop into Bryant Freeman’s Eskape Anglers in Riverview to stock up on flies as well as any other equipment you may need such as a Redington Rod. Don’t forget that this is the home of The Carter’s Bug tied only the way that Bryant can tie it!
The Moncton Fish & Game Association holds monthly meetings at the rotary lodge on the 1st Monday of the month. For information about the range, membership, etc, please call (506) 381-3165. Their annual fundraising supper is on November 26.
Joining these three sponsors is Herb & Wilma Shepherd who have a Camp for Sale on the Renous River at McGraw Brook. Crown campsite lease. Electricity, 3 bedrooms, screened porch, appliances included. Call 506-472-6183 for more information.
A reminder that the Miramichi Salmon Association Fish Hatchery trout ponds are open for pay for what you catch. This is an excellent opportunity to get the grandkids started on a fishing career. All proceeds go to help with hatchery programs and projects. Your support will be appreciated.
Thought for the Week: “Fishing is a… discipline in the equality of men – for all men are equal before fish.” ~Herbert Hoover
HUMOUR: A more-than-slightly intoxicated buzzard wanted to go ice fishing. As he began to cut a hole in the ice, a resonating voice from above came booming down, “There are no fish under the ice!”. The ice fisher was slightly taken aback, but continued trying to cut a hole in the ice. Again, the voice came booming down: “There are no fish under the ice!”. Now the fellow was getting a bit nervous, but nevertheless continued trying to cut a hole in the ice. Yet again the voice boomed, “I said, there are no fish under the ice!”. The fisher responded, “God, is that you? Why do you keep telling me there are no fish under the ice?”. The voice boomed back, “Because I own the hockey rink, you fool!”
Cumulative counts to date of Salmon as of July 31
Atlantic Salmon Federation News
July 20, 2011
ASF RIVER NOTES has the latest update on Atlantic salmon RETURNS
The latest salmon counts are in. While temperatures are rising, the salmon numbers continue to astonish and deserve one’s attention.
Appeal of Aquaculture Cage Site Approval Raising Important Questions
The Legal Appeal to the Nova Scotia Supreme Court by the Atlantic Salmon Federation and community groups regarding a proposed salmon farm in St. Mary’s Bay has generated interest beyond that province, as it raises issues of the impacts of aquaculture and the rights of the community in the decision process. Read more:
Poll Says 71% Do Not Want Salmon Farm in St. Mary’s Bay
After a month online, the results are in for a CBC Poll on aquaculture cages in southwest Nova Scotia, and more than 1,300 responded.
Newfoundland Poaching Cases Highlight Impact on Salmon
Three poaching cases highlight the impact on Atlantic salmon of illegal activity in the province.
Genetically Modified Salmon Can Breed in the Wild
Researchers have now raised another concern about GM salmon – the males could breed in the wild.
To keep track of breaking news on wild Atlantic salmon, use the Atlantic Salmon Federation’s presence on Facebook. Log in, search for Atlantic Salmon Federation, and click “like”.
ASF’s Webworks is an updating service on the world of the wild Atlantic salmon. If you wish to be added or removed from the list, email
Please read the attached file in regard to a fundraising event that is being held at the Atlantic Salmon Museum to honor George Routledge and to raise money in support of our summer camp. George is a ‘best friend’ to our summer camp program “Come Play on Our River”. We hope you can attend & please circulate this message to your contacts.
Thank you for your support & hope to see you on August 19th.
Friday August 19th – Reception @ 5:30pm – Dinner @ 6:30pm – consisting of a fresh green salad, stuffed chicken breast, rice medley, seasonal vegetables, tea/coffee & Georges favorite dessert – strawberry shortcake!
TICKETS – $50.00 including a $25.00 tax receipt
Call – 365 7787 or Email – for tickets & information
An Atlantic Salmon Museum Fundraiser for the ‘Come Play on Our River’ Summer Camp
George started tying flies after his first year of fishing and like all new fly tiers he thought he was going to add a great number of new flies to the history of Fly Tiers. He did design a couple which he can call his own. (1) Georges Renous Copper, and (2) Black Bear Hackle and Squirrel, developed by himself and Marc Madore of Blackville. These two flies are included in Paul Mariner’s book, “Modern Atlantic Salmon Flies”. George’s favorite fly is “The Butterfly”.

Main Southwest Miramichi River at Blackville
George credits his years in the military with his heart felt belief that people should be treated the way he would like to be treated. George’s shop is a real meeting place for many people who visit regularly, and who share his feelings “that fishing is more than catching a fish, it’s just being on the river with friends”.
George has a story on his wall about Ted Williams being inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. The inscription reads, “George ties my flies”.
He is especially interested in the young people who come into his shop and purchase materials for fly tying and also for advice. He adds up their purchases and divides the total in half. He loves to see young people on the river fishing.
George has been extremely generous with various gifts to our Salmon Museum – especially in supplying rods, and materials for fly tying to our ecological summer camp, “Come Play on Our River”, which we operate each summer. A children’s summer camp has been in operation since the inception of the museum, having been renamed several times.
To keep this amazing award winning camp going we are finding ourselves in need of funds to sustain it.
George has received a “Friend of the River” award from the North West Salmon Protection Association. George’s generosity, his comfortable way of treating his customers, and his outstanding success in the profession he loves, has earned him the title he is often known by, “THE MAN AT THE MOUTH”. It is indeed our pleasure to honor him on August 19, 2011in the River Room, at the Atlantic Salmon Museum, 263 Main Street, Doaktown, NB.
If you wish to say a few words on George’s behalf or if you have memorabilia that you can loan the museum for this special event, please inform Linda. Tickets are now available.
Until next week,

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.