Miramichi Fishing Report for August 18, 2011
Generally speaking, angling has slowed in comparison to a few weeks ago. In some places the water needs to drop to fishable levels, and being August, there aren’t many new fish coming into the system, and those that are here are a bit fussy. On the positive side, there are good numbers of fish in the system in most places and water conditions are good at least for the fish.
The counting fences at both Cassilis and Millerton were averaging a couple of fish a day, which is about typical for the time of year.
W. W. Doak and Sons in Doaktown said there were lots of fish around, and angling was good by mid-August standards, but not as good as we have been used to this season. Fish are still taking in modest numbers with more grilse than salmon being hooked. The water there was a good height and good temperature.

Monique Ouellet, wife of Jean Paul Ouellet, hooked this beautiful salmon on the Miramichi on August 9, 2011
Flies of choice were mostly Bombers and smaller bugs, along with White-tailed Green Machines on nos. 6 & 8 hooks.
Derek Munn of Ledges Inn in Doaktown and Mountain Channel in the Rapids area said angling was slow at both the Ledges and Mountain Channel. The fish are there, but simply not taking much. He said water conditions were perfect, so much so, that he was running out of excuses as to why the fish were not taking. They had received a good 6 to seven inch raise in water. The water at the Channel was certainly on the high side as the lower end of the river received more rain.
Flies of choice were a variety of Bomber and small bugs such as Shady Ladies.
Herb Barry Sr. of Herb’s Fly Shop on the Station Road in Blackville said angling there was on the tight side in a lot of places as the fish were there but not taking. He had lucked into a grilse on his third cast Tuesday, but that was the way. Either a fish would take right away, or would porpoise and roll without taking. Most of the fish had been in the system for a while, although a few were starting to look like fall fish. Those that were hooked were mostly grilse.
Flies of choice were almost anything, as anglers were trying to find something that worked. The more popular seemed to be Yellow-winged Butterflies, White-tailed Green Machines, Shady Ladies and Bombers.
Curtis Miramichi River Outfitting in Blackville said there were lots of fish around, but they seemed to have “lock-jaw” as not many were taking. The water there was quite high and the only fish being caught were a few grilse.
Flies of choice were White-tailed Green Machines, Green Machines with Krystal Flash, Shady Ladies, Sugarman’s Shrimps, the Wouf Wouf, Yellow Butterflies and Bombers as anglers tried to find a successful pattern.
George Routledge of George’s Fly Shop at the Mouth of Renous in Quarryville said angling was not good. The water was high Wednesday and raising. There were some fish there, but they were not taking well. He described it as “typical mid-August fishing”. He expected to see the fall runs beginning to start in the near future.
Flies of choice were Shady Ladies and White-tailed Green Machines along with some of the Fall patterns which were taking a few fish. Hook sizes were no. 4s and larger.
Jim Laws of Miramichi Hunting and Fishing in Newcastle, Miramichi reported angling as “slowing quite a bit”. Water conditions on the Northwest, Little Southwest and lower parts of the Main Southwest Miramichi were quite high, but temperatures were good.
Flies of choice were mostly Bombers and Whiskers.
Syd Matchett of Trout Brook Fly Shop on the Northwest Miramichi said fishing there was quiet with too much water. The Sevogle had been unfishable since the weekend, and on Tuesday, the Northwest was fishable high, but he expected it to raise following rain Monday night. He hoped it would drop off nicely by the weekend. Only the odd fish was being hooked, although the Crown Reserve stretches were reporting good fishing.
Flies of choice were White-tailed Green Machines, Pale Green Machines, Shady Ladies, Yellow-winged Butterflies, and Undertakers on sunny days (but there weren’t many of those).
Debbie Norton of Upper Oxbow Outdoor Adventures on the Little Southwest Miramichi said the water was quite high and there were only a few fish around with few fresh ones. She was waiting for the fall runs to begin as she said “summer fishing is past”.
Flies of choice were Will Taylor’s Specials, White-tailed Green Machines, Shady Ladies, Carter’s Bugs and Bombers.
So hopefully the water drops for the weekend, and the weather is not too warm so anglers can do some good Carter’s Bug dry fishing as they get out and “on the water”.
REMINDER: Please support the businesses which sponsor this report. They make it possible.
Check out Deals 4 U in Miramichi for your grocery needs, and a very good selection of Cuban cigars to celebrate being on the rivers. Also check out their weekly specials.
Drop into Bryant Freeman’s Eskape Anglers in Riverview to stock up on flies as well as any other equipment you may need such as a Redington Rod. Don’t forget that this is the home of The Carter’s Bug tied only the way that Bryant can tie it!
The Moncton Fish & Game Association holds monthly meetings at the rotary lodge on the 1st Monday of the month. For information about the range, membership, etc, please call (506) 351-0799. Their annual fundraising supper is on November 26.
Thought for the Week: “I am not against golf, since I cannot but suspect it keeps armies of the unworthy from discovering trout… ” ~Paul O’Neil
Humour: Q: How much fishing equipment can a man have before his wife throws him out? A: I do not know for sure; however, I believe that the experiment is almost complete!
PASSING: Sympathies go out to the family and friends of the late Edward Sheasgreen who passed on this week after a battle with cancer. Ed was a retired DNR officier and was serving as assistant manager of the Big Hole Camp. He will be missed by family and friends. Cast a good line up there big fellow!
Despite (or due to?) high water, the Elbow stretch was awesome. The 2 of us managed to hook 12 and land 8 grilse + 1 salmon while there. Virtually every one was caught on a green machine with white butt. Most productive pool was 3rd unnamed pool, with another one caught at Ledges Pool and 2 hooked, another lost at Everett’s pool on final morning. Since we don’t get out often (and usually aren’t this successful), this was literally the best fishing trip ever for my partner (he caught more than I did) and we hooked more fish this weekend than we have in past few years total! All were released. If I wanted to eat salmon, I’d go to Sobeys
Thanks again for your help,
Carmel Desjardins
Hanwell, NB
Ladies Fishing Retreat
Friday Sept 9th – Monday Sept. 12th
Come Play $389.00 incl. tax or $584.00 incl. tax (accommodation & full breakfast)

Ladies Fishing Retreat
Accommodations to be pre-arranged with the “Homestead Inn” 365 7912 http://www.homesteadinn.ca
Our Ladies Fishing Retreat offers “want-to-be fly-fisher women” and those that want to improve their skills, a unique opportunity to relax on the world renowned Miramichi River. Discover the lure that has attracted the fly-fisherman for many years and bond with women that have a common interest. We look forward to meeting you.
For further information contact Linda at 506 365 7787 or
Register online at www.atlanticsalmonmuseum.com/events
Price Includes:
- Tour of the Atlantic Salmon Museum & Historic Doak Property
- Personable instructor
- Special 4 day Fishing License
- Fishing Pool rental & Guide fee
- 4 lunches & nutritional snacks
- 3 dinners
- Angling lessons including catch & release
- Conservation lessons (based on MSA First Cast)
- Introduction to fly-tying & you keep your fly!
- Campfire, Music & “Fish Tales”
- Guided tour to Falls Brook Falls (a Miramichi treasure) or MSA fish hatchery
- Canoe or kayak rental
- Guided river run of the beautiful Southwest Miramichi
LAST CHANCE: Please read the attached file in regard to a fundraising event that is being held at the Atlantic Salmon Museum to honor George Routledge and to raise money in support of our summer camp. George is a ‘best friend’ to our summer camp program “Come Play on Our River”. We hope you can attend & please circulate this message to your contacts.
Thank you for your support & hope to see you on August 19th.
Friday August 19th – Reception @ 5:30pm – Dinner @ 6:30pm – consisting of a fresh green salad, stuffed chicken breast, rice medley, seasonal vegetables, tea/coffee & Georges favorite dessert – strawberry shortcake!
TICKETS – $50.00 including a $25.00 tax receipt
Call – 365 7787 or Email – for tickets & information
An Atlantic Salmon Museum Fundraiser for the ‘Come Play on Our River’ Summer Camp
George started tying flies after his first year of fishing and like all new fly tiers he thought he was going to add a great number of new flies to the history of Fly Tiers. He did design a couple which he can call his own. (1) Georges Renous Copper, and (2) Black Bear Hackle and Squirrel, developed by himself and Marc Madore of Blackville. These two flies are included in Paul Mariner’s book, “Modern Atlantic Salmon Flies”. George’s favorite fly is “The Butterfly”.
George credits his years in the military with his heart felt belief that people should be treated the way he would like to be treated. George’s shop is a real meeting place for many people who visit regularly, and who share his feelings “that fishing is more than catching a fish, it’s just being on the river with friends”.
George has a story on his wall about Ted Williams being inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. The inscription reads, “George ties my flies”.
He is especially interested in the young people who come into his shop and purchase materials for fly tying and also for advice. He adds up their purchases and divides the total in half. He loves to see young people on the river fishing.
George has been extremely generous with various gifts to our Salmon Museum – especially in supplying rods, and materials for fly tying to our ecological summer camp, “Come Play on Our River”, which we operate each summer. A children’s summer camp has been in operation since the inception of the museum, having been renamed several times.
To keep this amazing award winning camp going we are finding ourselves in need of funds to sustain it.
George has received a “Friend of the River” award from the North West Salmon Protection Association. George’s generosity, his comfortable way of treating his customers, and his outstanding success in the profession he loves, has earned him the title he is often known by, “THE MAN AT THE MOUTH”. It is indeed our pleasure to honor him on August 19, 2011in the River Room, at the Atlantic Salmon Museum, 263 Main Street, Doaktown, NB.
If you wish to say a few words on George’s behalf or if you have memorabilia that you can loan the museum for this special event, please inform Linda. Tickets are now available.
NOTE: The recent counts for Salmon & grilse were not available at press time. I will include them next week.
Until next week,

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.