In June, 2010, our Miramichi region was named the 1st SMART Showcase Community in the world! Since then, the Miramichi River Tourism Association (MRTA) has been working closely with District 16 to use this unique designation as a catalyst for creating special opportunities for our youth, which will also lead to future benefits for our entire Miramichi community.
Both of these goals are now beginning to be realized by means of a unique three week summer camp that is being hosted in Miramichi for 10 international students from July 17 to August 7th. We are in need of families to host these students. Local students who do become hosts will be given an opportunity to participate in the camp at a greatly reduced rate and, thereby, gain an opportunity to learn some very unique technology skills, as well as participate in a variety of exciting outdoor activities.
Students will spend three days along the banks of the Miramicih River at the Morada Resort, receive specialized training in SMART technology, become highly proficient in taking digital photographs, take boat tours, become immersed in cultures unique to Miramichi, participate in a lobster cookout and bar-b-que at Escuminac Beach, and challenge themselves on the High Elements Course at Miramichi Valley High School. They will also learn how to tie flies, fly cast, and canoe. Additionally, they will take part in archery and GPS sessions. And that is just the “tip of the ice berg”!

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.