Miramichi Chamber receives Great turnout from open invitation!
Business Retention and Expansion project top priority for 2010. On Friday the 25th an invitation was emailed out to local businesses inviting them to become part of the solution, and they came! At 7:30 am over 125 local businesses gathered at Rodd Miramichi to become part of the solution. President Hal Somers stated "Taking ownership of our future is vital to swing our community to become a thriving community, not a surviving community." He invited every business leader to up their game, and become involved. "With over 1200 businesses in the region, we need everyone to take a part making a major impact on our future economic growth. By working together coming up with the solutions, making a plan and partnering with all levels of government, we can make this happen." The 2009 strategy was reviewed - rte 108 improvements; - Air Port updates; - Youth initiatives; - Branding the Region, I AM Miramichi; and a comprehensive survey of business owners was conducted. All attendees broke into groups and engaged into a SWOT exercise (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) gathering timely info from the business owners. This is to be compiled and a tentative action plan with time lines will be sent out to all attendees within the month. In conclusion, Hal Somers stated, "the Business Retention and Expansion project (taking care of, nurturing and supporting businesses already existing in the community) is our top priority for 2010 and I believe we are on the right track." If you have ideas please submit at http://www.enterprisemiramichi.com/ideabank.aspx or submit feedback to www.MiramichiChamber.com

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.