More than Salmon Coming Back to the Miramichi River
Seven river communities stretched along this part of the Miramichi River in New Brunswick have banded together in planning the largest homecoming reunion ever to be experienced in the area. Come Home to the River festivities are planned for August 14-16, 2009 in McNamee.
Reminiscent of Wilf Carter’s song, “I’ve been everywhere man, traveled everywhere man, …I’ve been everywhere,” it seems the settlements of McNamee, Carroll Crossing, O’Donnell Town, New Bandon, Ludlow, Porter Cove and Priceville should have been included in that song. People from these communities past and present along with those who have ever visited have standing invitations to attend.
“The homecoming will have something for everyone from youth to seniors,” said Lorne Amos the chairman of the committee. The planning committee has started to plan events around gospel concerts, ball tournaments, a craft show, canoe trips and races, walking excursions and dances. There is no doubt of course it will include the Footbridge. This 630 foot long pedestrian bridge that spans the river between McNamee and Priceville has linked the community since it was built. It holds memories for everyone since a tragedy in 1939 that touched everyone’s life in this close-knit community. Amos said, “The committee has already started to work and after two meetings people from as far away as Vancouver, Toronto, Detroit and even as far as Amman, Jordan are making plans to attend.”
The impetus for Come to the River began as a topic on a Facebook group created by Irva Larsen one of the committee members. “The McNamee on the Mighty Miramichi Facebook group has over 250 members and it is expected there will be over 500 people attending the homecoming,” said Larsen. The Volunteer Coordinator is Euphemia O’Donnell-Black. Volunteers who wish to be involved with Come Home to the River – McNamee 2009 are invited to contact O’Donnell-Black at 506-369-9105 or through email .
The Miramichi Trail part of the NB Trails system that extends from Astle to Quarryville runs for 75 kilometers along the Miramichi at this point and is a favourite activity for both summer and winter.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.