Autism Resources Miramichi Inc. with the support of the Miramichi Police Force
Dennis Debbaudt’s
Tuesday October 21, 2008
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Rodd Miramichi River Hotel
1809 Water Street
Miramichi, New Brunswick, E1N 1B2
Tel: (506) 773-3111, Fax: (506) 773-3110
Separate Parent’s Information Session
6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Dr. Losier Middle School Theatre
Dennis, the proud father of Brad, a young man who has autism, wrote the ground-breaking booklet “Avoiding Unfortunate Situations” in 1994, the first-ever look at the interactions between children and adults with autism and law enforcement professionals. He has since written frequently on the topic including the book “Autism, Advocates and Law Enforcement Professionals: Recognizing and Reducing Risk Situations for People with Autism Spectrum Disorders” and articles for the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin and Sheriff Magazine. He consulted to ABC News 20/20 for the segment, “A Simple Man”, about autism and false confession, and was instrumental in the development of the state of Maryland’s Police and Correctional Training Commissions 1999 curriculum “Why Law Enforcement Needs to Recognize Autism”.
An author, video producer and law enforcement trainer, Dennis turned his attention to providing autism recognition response and risk management training to law enforcement and emergency first responders in 1991.
He presents to law enforcement agencies in the United States, Canada and United Kingdom. His materials are in use by police departments around the world.
A Detroit native, he now resides with his wife Gay and son Brad in South Florida. For more information about the presenter, please visit his website at:
What You Will Learn
• How to recognize the behavior symptoms and become informed on the contact approaches to minimize situations of risk, i.e., risk of victimization of the person with autism, and risk to the first responder.
• How to be prepared for an Autism Emergency.
• How to save valuable time and resources.
• How to avoid litigation.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.