10th Annual Miramichi White Gold Festival
February 8th to 10th, 2008
All Weekend
Ice Sculptures
Queen Elizabeth Park
CCFCC chefs of New Brunswick will have 35 Ice Sculptures on display beginning Friday.
Friday, February 8th
7:30 pm White Gold Dance Show,
Beaverbrook Kin Centre
Featuring the Nelson Doyle Dancers. Free Admission.
Saturday, February 9th
11:00 am Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 10
Hosting the 4th Annual Jackie Chambers Memorial Dart Shoot
Three person teams (must have at least one woman). Cost: $30/team – register at 11:00 am, play at noon – call 622-2161 for information.
12:00 noon Smelt Fry
Chatham Head Rec Centre
Cost: $7.00, all you can eat plus dessert
12 noon until 5 PM.
1:00 pm Smelt Fry and Children’s Activities
Flo’s Hide-A-Way
Smelt fry 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm. All you can eat for $7.00.
Children’s scavenger hunt & snowman building contests.
For further information call 622-0680.
1:00 pm White Gold Cake & Entertainment
Northumberland Square
Cake and refreshments will be served and entertainment provided at Center Court, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Sponsored by
Northumberland Square Mall Merchants
6:30 pm Newcastle Rotary Club’s Chinese New Year’s Dinner
Beaverbrook Kin Centre
Cash Bar at 6:30 pm, Dinner at 7:30 pm, attire is casual. All net proceeds go to Camp Rotary (for special needs for youth and adults) at Grand Lake.
Tickets are $30 per person of which $15 is considered a charitable donation. Contact: Herman Koops 623-8744.
7:30 pm Master Hypnotist “Cyrus”
Hypnotic Phenomenon Tour at James M. Hill Theater.
Cyrus explodes on the stage with an amazing high energy, power packed Comedy stage Hypnosis show you will ever see!
Show time at 7:30 pm (doors opening at 6:30 pm). Tickets $15.00 adults, $12.00 students. Tickets available at Bill’s Quik Mark, or phone 773-3162.
8:30 pm White Gold Dance
Miramichi Civc Centre
Music by Jakebreak. Doors close at 11:00 pm Tickets $10 each available at Jean Coutu (Newcaste), Bill’s Kwik Way, City Argo and Kingston’s Convenience (Douglastown)
Sponsored by
Miramichi Valley Snowmobile Club
9:00 pm Royal Canadian Legion, 385 Pleasant Street
White Gold Dance –music by Don St. Coeur & Peter.
Admission $5.00, everyone welcome.
Sunday, February 11th
6:30 pm White Gold Dinner/Concert – Official Closing of White Gold Festival
Beaverbrook Kin Centre
Tickets by reservation only $25.00 each, call 622-1780 on or before February 3rd. Sponsored by 51st Miramichi Folksong Festival & C.U.P.E. Local 865.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.