Miramichi Community Chaplain presented the Community Star Award from Addiction Services
Every year Addictions Awareness Week is recognized nationally during the third week of November. During the week Miramichi Addiction Services presented their Community Star Award to Miramichi Community Chaplain Gordon Green.
Cynthia MacDonald, Manager of Miramichi Addiction Services says the Community Star Award is presented to a ‘star’ in our community, who goes above and beyond and is making a difference in the area of drug and alcohol awareness. She says Green was a natural choice as his interactive spiritual presentations and individual one on one sessions have made a real difference with addiction clients. “The people who know him use the words inspirational, dedicated, giving, kind, generous, respected, knowledgeable, leader, spiritual and friend to describe him.” Clients present for the award ceremony echoed MacDonald’s praise by giving him a standing ovation.
Green is a member of the Partners for a Drug Free Miramichi committee and was also instrumental in the planning of the Community Prayer Vigil in September that brought hundreds of Miramichiers together to pray for those who are experiencing pain and hardship due to addiction.
For more info., contact Sonya Green-Hache, communications coordinator at 506.623.3003.

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