School District 16 Cute Awards (“Creative Use of Technology in Education” Awards)
The public is invited to to attend the first Creative Use of Technology in Education (CUTE) Awards at the James M. Hill High School theatre on Thursday, Nov. 29th, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.. Representatives from SMART Technologies, Fat Kat Animation, And Tidby Productions will be attending. Other special guests have also been invited. No admission charge!
Come and celebrate the innovative ways our students and teachers are using technology. Learn why District 16 is recognized as a global leader in the use of technology. Experience the excitement and discover how our students and teachers are tranforming our classrooms.
Awards will be presented for the creative use of digital photography, digital video, podcasts, SMART Board teacher lesson, SMART Board student presentation, school web site, teacher/classroom web/ wiki/blog, video conferencing/collaborative projects, plus the Innovative Use of Technology (People’s Choice Award).
In conjunction with the CUTE Awards, the District 16 Digital Media Studio will also be officially opened at 5:30 p.m.. This fully functional broadcast studio is located at James M. Hill High School. Each school in District 16 has been provided with the software, green screen and hardware required to make it a satellite studio. The studio is the home base for the first district wide broadcast journalism course being offered in NB.
To learn more about these cool awards and finalists, click here.
Don’t miss the Magical Mighty Miramichi Multi-media experience!

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