Natoaganeg – Eel Ground First Nation Pow Wow
July 19th – 22nd, 2007
More Info: view pdf poster
Thursday, July 19th
5:30 am: Sunrise Ceremony, Lighting of Sacred Fire. Talking Circle, and Blessing of Pow-Wow grounds.
7 am: Breakfast at the Community Centre.
Friday, July 20th
5:30 am: Sunrise Ceremony. Talking Circle – Pow Wow grounds.
7 am: Breakfast at the Community Centre.
9 am: Set up camp sites and concessions
4:30 pm: Supper at the Community Centre
7:30 pm: Pow-Wow Bingo
8:30 pm.: Social (Pow-Wow Grounds)
Saturday, July 21st
6:00 am: Sunrise Ceremony (Pow-Wow Grounds) – Talking Circle 7 am: Breakfast at the Community Centre
12:15 pm: Registration (dancers and drummers)
1 pm: Grand Entry – Prayer – Opening remarks
4:30 pm: Supper at Community Centre
6 pm: Retiring of Flags (Pow-Wow Grounds)
8:30 pm: Social (Pow-Wow Grounds)
10:30 pm: Fireworks Display (Pow-Wow Grounds)
Sunday, July 22nd
6:00 am: Sunrise Ceremony (Pow-Wow Grounds) – Talking Circle
7 am: Breakfast at the Community Centre
11:30 am: Registration (dancers and drummers)
12 pm: Grand Entry – Prayer
3:30 pm: Give-away
4:30 pm: Retiring of Flags – Closing remarks
5:30 pm: Feast at the Community Centre.
* A Pow-Wow is an alcohol and drug free event.
More Info: view pdf poster

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