Miramichi Medical Day Clinic Doctor moves office to private practice
As a means to expand his practice and meet the health care needs of the community, Dr. Amos Kpogo will be relocating his medical practice from the Miramichi Medical Day Clinic to a private office located in the Newcastle Jean Coutu building in Miramichi effective Tuesday, July 3rd .
“I would like to expand my practice to new patients within the next few weeks as well as continue to provide care to my patients from the Miramichi Medical Day Clinic,” says Dr. Kpogo. He says the flexibility of his own practice will help meet the health care needs of the Miramichi population. He says he has also accepted the Miramichi Regional Health Authority’s Telephone Patient Registry list. “My support staff will be contacting these individuals in the near future to determine if they are still in need of a family doctor,” says Dr. Kpogo.
“The relocation of Dr. Kpogo will not disrupt or interfere with care of patients registered and seen at the Miramichi Medical Day Clinic,” says
“The collaborative practice between Kr. Kpogo and the two nurse practitioners working at the Miramichi Medical Day Clinic will continue,” says Underhill. She says that patient charts of those under the care of the nurse practitioner will remain at the Miramichi Medical Day Clinic and they will continue to see the nurse practitioners at the clinic.
Patient charts under the care of Dr. Kpogo will be transferred to his new office location.
Underhill says that a physician has been secured to work in the Miramichi Medical Clinic on a part-time basis effective July 3rd. “This doctor will support the nurse practitioners.”
For further information, patients of the Miramichi Medical Day Clinic can contact 627-7529 and individuals requiring a family doctor whose name is not on the Telephone Patient Registry List can call Dr. Kpogo’s office at 836-0189.

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