MVHS Drama Club Tonight
MVHS Musical Magic 2007
Date: Feb. 14-17th, 2007
Time: 7 p.m.
Director: Mr. Jason Howe
Music Director: Mrs. Angela Howe
Cast: Allison Aube, Rebecca Aube, Kristy Clancy, Jackie D’Amours, Andrea Dennis, Scott Hems, Kristen Hickey, Savanah King, Amanda Matchett, Michael McEachern, Nicole Pozer, Monica Richard, Angela Stairs, Becky Stewart, Brittany Stuart, Brittnay, Sutherland and Rachel Urquhart
Summary: Musical Magic 2007 is a wildly energetic medley of some of the latest and greatest musicals popular today – a song and dance extravaganza that will surely warm you up and keep your toes a tappin’. Audiences will see and hear the wild antics of Grease, the unforgettable melodies of ABBA from Mama Mia!, the heart-wrenching tragedy of Les Miserables, and the youthful spirit of the gang from High School Musical. Musical Magic 2007 will leave you cheering for more. What better way is there to have a wonderful evening of fun and to support young people at the same time.
Location: Miramichi Valley High School Theatre Auditorium
345 McKenna Avenue, Miramichi, NB, E1V 3S9
Telephone: (506) 627-4083
Tickets: $8.00 Adults $5.00 Students
Tickets can be bought at the door or from cast members.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.