Miramichi Regional Hospital to celebrate 10th anniversary
The Miramichi Regional Hospital will celebrate ten years of providing health care to the residents of the Miramichi region on December 15. The public is invited to attend this special occasion on December 15 at 10 a.m in the lobby of the Miramichi Regional Hospital. The Honorable Michael Murphy will be the keynote speaker.
The Health Authority requests that individuals who are experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting not attend the event. Guests will also be restricted to the lobby of the Miramichi Regional Hospital as visiting restrictions on the nursing units of the hospital are still in place.
“Together for the Health of Miramichi” is the slogan being used for the celebration that is being hosted by the Miramichi Regional Health Authority (MRHA) and the Miramichi Regional Hospital Foundation. “This special event provides us an opportunity to celebrate our successes over the last ten years with our partners and community,” says Russell Whitney, chairperson of the MRHA. “It will also provide us an opportunity to look forward to the future of health care on the Miramichi.”
Representatives from pastoral and spiritual care, First Nations and Francophone communities will participate in the ceremony. Other guest speakers and notable guests include Russell Whitney, MRHA Board Chairperson, Gary Foley, MRHA president and CEO, Steve Myles, chairperson of the Miramichi Regional Hospital Foundation, Dr. Rob Boulay, a Miramichi Family Physician and recent recipient of the NB family physician award, and Alister Vautour, first child born at the Miramichi Regional Hospital. Entertainment will be provided by the award winning Blackville Girl’s Choir.

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