Tabusintac Community Access Center Grand Opening
10 am –3pm
May 06, 2006Tabusintac Community Hall
10:00 am- Opening Speeches:
Bill Vye… Access Center Chairperson
Carmel Robichaud …Local MLA
Colin Harding… President of Local Service District
10:30-Gardening presentation for all ages by Helen McCallum
11:00- Online Rally & Break to visit venues
12:30- Scrap booking and Photo enhancements by Annie Gay of Annie’s Country Store &April Vye
1:00- Rocks and Fossils by Todd Norton Brunswick Rock Arts- Children invited to bring in a special rock.
1:30- JCRR digital signs presentation by Ryan Kenny
2:00- Computer tips by Todd Norton
On going events are a free online draw
1st prize Gateway Laptop Computer
2nd Prize Canon Digital Camera
3rd Prize Z22 Electronic Personal Organizer
4th Prize MP#3 Player Sansa scandisk 512
Free email account with new membership
Free online access all day

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.