Activities Mark Gambling Awareness Week
Miramichi Regional Health Authority’s (MRHA) Addiction Services will be holding several activities to mark National Gambling Awareness Week from March 12-19. The goal of Gambling Awareness Week is to educate the public and health care professionals about problem gambling and to raise awareness that hope and help are available. MRHA’s Addiction Services will be taking the opportunity during the week to deliver education, prevention and harm reduction initiatives.
During the week information displays about the effects of problem gambling will be available in the lobby of the Miramichi Regional Hospital, Miramichi Valley High School, The Learning Center, C.S.C La Fontaine and École Secondaire Assomption High Schools. Gambling awareness information, such as placemats will also be available throughout different restaurants in the community. Material promoting responsible gambling will be delivered to specific target groups, such as in Bingo halls.
One of the highlights of the week will be a free financial planning education session given by Credit Counseling Services of Canada. One session in English will be held March 15 at 6 p.m. in the Highland Theatre at the Miramichi Regional Hospital and one session in French on March 16 at 6 p.m. at the same location. These informative educational sessions will assist individuals to make wiser financial choices. The sessions are being sponsored by Addiction Services and the Atlantic Lotto Corporation. To register or obtain further information, please call Addiction Services at 623-3375.
Addiction Services is committed to reducing the harm related to addiction in our community, and to promote health and wellness at every opportunity. The MRHA’s Addiction Services has a social worker who specializes in gambling addiction. Her role is to raise awareness about the risks of gambling, as well as provide treatment to those who seek help. If you are concerned about your own or someone else’s gambling please contact Addiction Services at 623-3775.

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