‘Way Out Women’ Snowmobile Relay to Raise Funds for Breast Cancer Research
Three Blackville women will ride snowmobiles, sponsored by Polaris, across New Brunswick to raise awareness and money to fight breast cancer. An estimated 233,000 women in North America will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year and 45,200 victims will die from the disease.
Norma Brennan, Tracy Fortune and Pamela Jardine were chosen to represent New Brunswick as “Way Out Women” in the WOW Relay.
Polaris provides three snowmobiles that will be driven across Canada starting in St. John’s, Newfoundland and ending in White Rock, British Columbia on March 7th. The New Brunswick portion of the relay begins in Bouctouche on Jan 21st, continues to Miramichi, Campbellton, St. Leonard and ends at Riviere-du-Loup, Quebec, where that province’s portion of the relay begins. Only women run the WOW Relay all the way across Canada. Everyone is welcome to ride along with the team in honour or in memory of someone they know.
The three women worked months doing a variety of fundraising. Merle MacRae of Blackville won the $1000 Christmas draw. The fundraising rewards them with not only a four-day snowmobile trip, but also a feeling of accomplishment of raising awareness and money for research in order to defeat this disease.
The evening the ladies arrive on the Miramichi there will be an auction/banquet at the Kinsmen Centre. Tickets are $15 per person. They are available from Tracy Fortune (506) 843-6178, Norma Brennan (506) 843-6054, Books Inn (Newcastle), Rite Way Convenience (Renous) and Brennan’s Mainway (Blackville).
You can follow the WOW Relay as they cross the country by reading the Daily Diary on their website at www.polarisindustries.com/wowrelay

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