Closer to home in Miramichi, we received this letter today:
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am looking for a letter of support similar to the one attached. Many patients needing Dialysis treatment are required to travel to Moncton three times each week for treatment.
The George Dumont Hospital operates a Dialysis Clinic in the Miramichi. This clinic can treat 24 patients three times per week, but the demand is much greater. Therefore the George Dumont Hospital has requested funding from the Department of Health in order to double the capacity from 24 to 48 patients per week.
To help reduce the hardship caused to many dialysis patients, who have to travel to Moncton, we are asking you to send a letter to the Honourable Elvy Robichaud. Ask him to support the George Dumont Hospital in their request for funding for the expansion of the dialysis Unit in Miramichi.
Gilles J. Laplante
The sample letter is below. You can cut and paste it into whatever word processing software you use, personalise it with your contact information, print and mail.
Hon. Elvy Robichaud
Minister of Health and Wellness
Carleton Place
Floor 5
P.O. Box 5100
Fredericton NB
E3B 5G8
( address of sender)
July 4,2005
Dear Mr. Minister,
I’m writing you in support of the request from the George Dumont Hospital to your Government to expand its dialyses unit in the Miramichi from an existing capacity of 24 people 3 times per week to 48 people 3 times per week.
There is extreme hardship caused to people having to travel three times per week for treatment to the George Dumont in Moncton.
Speaking to many of the patients both French and English, they are very satisfied with the bilingual service provided and wish they could all get their treatment on the Miramichi.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.