It’s the Law
The Law of Attraction states that you’ll attract to your life whatever you give your attention, energy and focus to, whether wanted or unwanted–emphasis on the unwanted.
The “vibes” that you put out into the Universe (also called vibrations) are either negative vibes or positive vibes, and at every moment, the Law of Attraction is responding to the vibes you are offering by giving you more of the same, whether wanted or unwanted.
If you are curious about what it is that you are offering vibrationally in any area of your life, you simply need to take a look at that area and see what you’re getting. it’s a perfect match.
Placing your attention, energy and focus on the negative aspects of some people in your life brings you more of the same. Simply put, that’s the Law of Attraction at work.
When you shift your attention to the kinds of people you DO want in your life, that shift, coupled with your clear desire to STOP attracting negative people into your life, will set the energy in motion for new results to show up.
When you shift from what you don’t want, to what you do want, your vibration changes. And know this-you can only hold one vibration at a time! The Law of Attraction is always matching your vibration in any given moment.
by Michael J. Losier

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.